How to BE Your Higher Self As a Portal to World Change and the Maturing of Collective Consciousness

Higher Self and Higher Consciousness

photo by Vinh Pham

Each time you shift from a low state of being to a more neutral state you are an alchemist raising collective frequency.

Focus on building heart energy to uplift your vibration and you do the world a great kindness.

When you hold mental and emotional space for the best possible outcomes (that may be beyond what you can imagine) you model trust in your own empowered sacredness.

You are a magician, truly.

Yet, like many humans, you probably discount and ignore all the ways in which you can empower yourself to be the higher version of your Self. It is all too easy for us to fall into smallness, into not enough-ness, and, when faced with immense challenges, to go down the track of despair “that nothing will change!”

What is most important at this critical juncture in human history, is that we create practices for shifting out of the old ego-based ways of thinking and behaving that is pain-based. We must remind ourselves that the ego is NOT designed to elevate the joy and satisfaction of life. Ego merely strives to survive. Joy and satisfaction is a Soul directive.

One of the most conscious and Elevated things we can do is to recognize that soul is leading human evolution – which is now, and has always been, a game of change. So how do we align with High Self rather than ego?

From immature scattered attention to mature intentional focus

Meditation is a great way to practice being your Higher Self. It provides space to both observe ego-mind antics and to quiet the spinning mind.

When you sit in meditation – whether that is sitting in stillness or engaging a guided visioning process – you sit in elevated intention and focus. When you sit in meditation as part of a group (that is in the same room or remotely connecting), intention becomes an even more focused and strong vibration. “I Intend” is a laser directed soul-based virtue that recognizes how to empower and elevate Self and others. Intention is an expression of soul maturity.

When we let ourselves be carried along by surface life drama, by unfocused mass consciousness, we take on the energy of “Whatever!” This is ego level reaction such as in “I can do whatever I want” or “I don’t know what I want, whatever.” Can you feel the immaturity of that? Intention is clear and precise – a direct path. Scattered attention is vague and heavy. It is low-level awareness. So find a practice that puts you in Intentional space at some point during each day. Get to know the Intentional You that you find there.

Simply empowering Self as recognition of responsibility to ALL

Affirmations can ignite your Higher Self to show up and maintain higher states of being. I ran across a beautiful one last week as I was focusing on health: “I luxuriate in Divine Healing Energies.” Such lovely imaginings springboard from this affirmation. Suddenly I am swimming in a healing sea and feeling the warmth of sun and sand.

Ideally, affirmations are used in sync with heart-based action that helps the Higher Self to re-pattern non-serving ego behavior (bad habits, for instance). Re-patterning behavior is an empowered expression of your elevated Self. It is the Self that recognizes that stretching oneself and reaching toward higher potential is a choice, and a responsibility. It is how we express higher Self and connect to All That Is which is always evolving. It is how we act on behalf of Self and the collective. The personal is global; the personal is cosmic.

Understanding that the personal is global means understanding the importance of loving and nurturing the sacred vehicle that is your body. We nurture Self so that we can nurture the World.

Nurture your mind with food for thought. It’s a cliche but we humans have strayed far into mindless distraction that does nothing to nourish the mind. I was watch the animated movie Wall-e the other day and all the overweight people only experiencing life as what was on the screen in front of their faces hit home. Our minds and hearts need to be nourished with quiet, with peace, with harmony, with love, with interaction that matters. We can nurture our bodies with Elevated thoughts, emotions and foods. It all gets digested and processed together. That’s what makes us manifesting marvels.

Creative reception and expression co-creates new culture and a New World

Intuitively receiving (downloading) and Expressing new human designs and blueprints is a soul virtue. That’s why being creative in whatever way inspires you and enjoying the arts is so important to building a new world. In order to explore and engage new possibilities, we need to stop being distracted by lower ways of being. It’s simply a waste of energy.

Being creative and more intuitively inspired on your individual life path affirms that sacred patterns are in play, constantly reforming our perceptions of reality. We are co-creators that are currently trying to Level-UP the human experience. Being creative gives sound, color and texture to what is trying to emerge energetically. Creativity is your Light energy at play. Creativity provides a landing space for potential. Don’t we want to experience more of this?

We are all engaged in collective manifestation at all times. We need to stop seeing the Arts and creativity as a past time and start elevating these activities to the Main Stage! Leaders who want control of the populace try to squelch the Arts. Consciously and  unconsciously they realize that artists of all types – musicians, poets, writers, painters, sculptures, textile makers, astrologists, mystics, gardeners, comedians, actors –  bring about change, see and express the truth. It is our artists that have the greatest power to receive and express the most significant energetic shifts in humanity. We are going forward.

Balance is kindness to Self and in service to the Collective

Balance Your All. Your light and dark aspects, your personal and global aspects. Your ego and unconscious mind will fight you on this. The ego likes excess and too much. It is not concerned with waste – waste of matter or waste of soul purpose. Yet the Higher Self desires simplicity and service that is for the good of all. There is no savior coming to save us. We are the world servers who bring compassion, mercy and forgiveness to a hurting world.

Those dark nights of the soul we each face alone or collectively are our Elevated Selves inviting us to find our true power – to connect to a higher degree of integrity and courage – to clean up our individual and collective acts. The high school kids from Parkland, Florida are doing a great job showing us adults how to Elevate intention, focus, and cohesive group action. They are showing us what response and responsibility are. Response is appropriate action that is arrow-like directed from the soul. It’s inspiring to watch a new generation act from their collective Elevated Selves. It’s a glimpse at the Unity consciousness coming online. It’s an example of the maturing of collective consciousness. Let’s all be part of that.

Melissa Wadsworth is an artist and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.

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