2 Sides of a Coin – Perspective Shifts in Collective Consciousness

It used to be that I thought the term “two sides to a coin” referred to self-referenced perspective and perspective of others. In a world that uses mostly logic, rather than abstraction, to describe how the human mind works, this makes sense. According to this example, we should understand that there is our view of the world/an incident/person and then there is their view of the same world/incident/person. While this can seem true at a surface level, energetically there are subtler levels of distinction in consciousness at play.

I recently had an experience of consciousness that has led me to believe that the two sides of the coin are this: Consciousness and Unconsciousness.

Both sides of the coin are perception through the lens or filter of an individual mind, yet are vastly different in how they connect to others.

In Unconsciousness, our view is the victim view. Things are done to us. We have good reasons to be angry. We are separate from others. Our perspective is the correct one. Reactions are fear-based. The individual cannot and will not correct mistakes, or even admit to them. Any sense of apology comes from the small human mind – often based in shame/blame game ─ rather than from one’s heart, which may be closed in protection. In unconscious I get stuck in circular thinking. Power comes from outside oneself. How to play the power game is a surface life game. A game of moving pieces.

In Consciousness, our view is The Big Picture view. We acknowledge that we are in truth not energetically separate from others, we exist in One Field of Creation. From this bigger perspective we can see how our actions, world events or local conditions affect others. We can apologize from the heart-mind, from a heart that is willing to open and be vulnerable. The conscious perspective is inclusive of others. In consciousness I can raise my head up from the inner/outer turbulence and see with more clarity the true dynamics at play. This perspective recognizes the ease in which one can correct one’s mistakes of perception, can ask for Grace from others and is able to Receive Grace. In consciousness we can remind ourselves that we are a vehicle for divine will and love, so our power always comes from within.

So when issues arise with others, we can always pause to ask ourselves: “Am I in consciousness or being unconscious?”

The power of the relationship mirror

What I have been experiencing in my relationships is that I can now see how all “issues” come back to something I am needing to see in myself.

In the past I might have thought: “Those are their issues that they need to deal with!” or “I have legitimate reasons to be annoyed…here is my list!” Ha!! Now when I look at my list of grievances, I see that all point back to an issue of unreleased trauma within myself — I can much more easily see when I “project” my frustrations (within self) on to another.

This makes it possible to see that there is No One to Blame for anything. There are no 2 sides to a coin, both sides are One ─ me the conscious one and me the unconscious one.

In truth, there is only that which needs to be seen, processed and integrated as new consciousness.  This level of awareness takes away any victim stories for the script of the movie I am living. This is hugely humbling and empowering at the same time!

We often think that breakthroughs in consciousness are going to be these monumental experiences. Yet, this breakthrough of perspective felt normal, like an ordinary thing and yet I know that it is extraordinary compared to my old thinking patterns of perspective and reaction.

Healing the Collective by Healing Self

This experience may indicate what is shifting in collective consciousness at this pivotal time, and how it can be easy to shift when we stay humble and notice when the ego reacting. Then we can choose to step into our Higher Self and respond in more conscious wholeness and with more heart.

Then we realize we are a consciousness field. We are the field of experience we project through the filter of our minds. We connect with other mental filters to create a movie of experience. When our minds also reflect our hearts we bring healing, harmony and balance into the world of our experience.

In consciousness we can perceive how all experiences, individual and collective, arise from how we filter the data or information we receive. From an open heart of evolved consciousness, we realize all can be corrected, resolved and healed in love. From a closed heart (of fear, of righteousness, of power) nothing can truly be healed. From victim consciousness we only have access to a tiny part of the consciousness spectrum.

It all begins with the intention to be more open hearted and to evolve one’s consciousness.

So let us choose to be the open hearts through which All experience in this world flows. Let us stand together as the humble and joyful doorways for Love and Grace. For Peace and Harmony. Such liberation of consciousness leaves us open to receive greater consciousness breakthroughs. And, what a golden gift of liberation that is for ALL!

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. 

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