Manifesting with Dream Board Magic: Part 2

What You Notice Matters!™

“Attention is like a spotlight…developing greater control over your attention is perhaps the single most powerful way to reshape your brain and thus your mind.”

– Rick Hanson, Ph.D., Buddha’s Brain

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Awareness can take many forms:

  • self-awareness: who you are, how you approach life, how your communication impacts others, your general outlook, how you learn best, what interests you, your lifestyle preferences, etc.
  • mindfulness of others: genuine curiosity, empathy, interest in situations and emotional realities different from your own, open-minded listening, compassion response, learning how you can help others, etc.
  • awareness of physical feedback: gut reactions, feeling inspired to take action, being drained of energy, etc.
  • relationship awareness: knowing how you are in relationship with others (romantic and platonic), what your intentions typically are for bonding with others and why you seek out new connections, whether you are authentic with people or tend to role play, what you enjoy giving to others and what needs/growth opportunities your relationships provide, etc.
  • group awareness: alignment with the philosophy or goals of a particular group(s) that are local, national, or international. This can be physical or online participation or even an intentional energetic alignment. Group awareness is becoming increasingly important as a bridge to the manifestation of good-for-All. When we step away for the “me” for the “we”, we step into more heart-based awareness.
  • community consciousness: your role in your particular community; your desire to give back to some community in time, money or expertise; this may include feelings of connection or isolation, and your sense of what community is or isn’t. May include business co-ops, or intentional living arrangements, etc.
  • situational awareness: noticing what’s going on around you, paying attention to what catches your attention and what you can learn from that, gaining insights from specific interactions and situations.
  • world awareness: your impact on the natural world, your energetic contribution to the world, your will to create wellbeing for all.
  • solution-awareness: noticing the answers, support and resources being presented to you. Anticipating that you’ll get answers and support and staying curiously aware how they’ll show up.
  • opportunity awareness: seeing the gifts and opportunities that are presented to you each day and mindfully inviting grace and joy into your life via intentions, mindful activities and opportunities to be generous and kind to others.
  • spirit awareness: knowing how your spirit communicates with you (through your senses, nature, music, art, intuition and so forth), responding to urges for stillness or meditation, seeking out places and people that support your spiritual expression and expansion in the world, awareness of being part of something greater than your human self.

There is no end to the NEW things you can become aware of. Yet, electronic use and old habits makes it easy to fall back into autopilot. An aware YOU emits different vibrations than the entranced you. And this makes a huge difference to the awakening of collective consciousness. Stay awake! Realize when you are creating your reality and when you’ve been pulled into someone else’s creation. Your potential for manifesting the life you want is quite extraordinary. The key thing to remember is that much of what we receive in terms of authentic abundance comes from an inner place of allowing, accepting, receiving and appreciating. This then gets projected into our field of awareness as abundance.

Awareness is attention to both the big picture and the close-up views. There are riches in both.

You can manage your life, your stress, your outlook by simply living with more awareness. You always have more power than circumstances might lead you to believe. Taking a fresh look at something can open you to new solutions and possibilities. When you’re most stuck, seeing things from a different perspective can be your most empowering decision. Also, with awareness comes expanded choice — choices about how you create your daily experience.

  • Your choice about how you see the world. Practice seeing it with more child-like wonder, with more curiosity. If you expect to only see negativity, that’s what you will see (create). Intend to see the good in the world.
  • Your choice about what you expect to “get” from the world. With awareness you can release needing to get something exactly as you want, and choose instead to stay open to receiving what is perfect for your growth at this moment.
  • Your choice about what you hear and how you communicate. Often, like our sight, our hearing is filtered through our beliefs and expectations. With awareness you can choose to tune into more uplifting and helpful conversations. With practice you will hear people’s true intentions, you will receive their energy and not be misled by the words.
  • Your choice to act from an empowered sense of authenticity rather than from a sense of being “less than.”

Awareness enables you to notice when you feel in the flow of life and when you’re struggling with what is. Only when you notice the struggle can you decide to let go, to release what is unhelpful in terms of thinking, believing and perceiving. That is a significant shift that can ease everyday transitions and adjustments, while empowering you to see the results of your new thinking and your newly inspired actions.

Homework: Awareness Journaling

  1. What would you like to stop noticing and begin to see more of? You may want to stop noticing angry people or bad drivers, the faults in others or depressing situations. Perhaps you most want to turn down the volume on your own mental chatter. Just be clear about this and release that intention to the Universe. You won’t be focusing on these things anymore. Embrace and believe that you will be focusing on more satisfying stimuli.
  2. Carry a journal or small notebook with you for a week and make notes about new things that you have noticed. If you prefer, use your smart phone’s memo capabilities. Better yet start taking photographs of what you notice! Photography can bond you to your environment through simple appreciation. Ponder how you relate to what you notice. What did you enjoy becoming aware of? What was helpful to notice? What inspired you? What made you laugh? What made you realize something you never realized before?

Click the link below to see the next dream board session: 

Part 3: The Difference Between Vision Boards and Dream Boards

Manifesting with Dream Board Magic! Copyright 2009-2017 Melissa Wadsworth