Three Types of Manifestation: Unconscious, Surface, and Conscious Manifestation

Energy Connection original art by Melissa WadsworthOver the last couple of months it’s become very clear to me that there are different levels of manifestation. I’d like to discuss three types of manifestation.

  • First, there is unconscious manifestation – this is what we create from our unconscious beliefs, habitual thoughts, unacknowledged emotions, and programmed mind. The resulting manifestations may be what we want, what we don’t want, or a total surprise.
  • Secondly, there is surface manifestation – this is when we try to influence manifested in physical reality by “making” things happen in our lives. We assume that if we take A Step, we will get B Result. Surface manifestation flows mostly from our conditioned minds. Family, society and community tell us, essentially, what’s possible to create and what we deserve, and then we try to attain society-approved perks (like a house/mansion, job/reputation/popularity, money/things/stuff, right mate/right roles, etc.).
  • Thirdly, there is conscious manifestation – this is when we put ourselves in the drivers seat of co-created reality through awareness of the benefits of working with unseen energy and frequency, and by realizing that we came into this life with a blueprint that influences the creations we are inspired to create. Conscious manifestations are more likely to be heart aligned with how we long to belong and express our personal light.

Unconscious manifestation often leaves us feeling frustrated. We think we want one thing, but may keep creating something entirely different. Until we understand what thoughts, beliefs and emotions are really running the show of our realized manifestations, we may create what we don’t want. We all, at some point, in some lifetime (probably this one) experience this. My father lived a life of unconscious manifestation and was often frustrated that the “world was standing in the way” of him getting what he wanted and thought he deserved. This often results in a a victim mentality.

Surface manifestation can be frustrating or satisfying, depending on your perspective and experience. Some people will follow the “rules” of society, get education, acquire a good job, and then be able to purchase all the rewards of fitting into the established societal order. However, for those people who don’t fit the prevailing societal mold, this can be a frustrating life experience. People might try to do the “right” things, yet not be accepted into the society’s hierarchy-of-accomplishment club. These people either find a way to establish their own satisfying path in life, fight the prevailing order to change things and make them more inclusive, or they continue to feel like outsiders and losers.

I recall as a child that my parents were always trying to play with surface manifestation by moving our family into new homes and new neighborhoods. Each time we were dragged into yet another model home, my sisters and brother would rush around picking the room that would be ours. We would try to find the room that attracted us on the surface. Of course, the room decoration didn’t come with the house, and after six moves or so, we stopped being interested in the charade that a house would change our dysfunctional family dynamic. That’s the problem with completely buying into surface manifestation: if you stop being satisfied with the surface “window dressing” of a surface manifested life, then you are left feeling lost. It’s that “is this all there is?” feeling.

Surface manifestation is full of rules and restrictions. It’s full of haves and have nots. It’s full of aggression and dogma. People who are fully invested in surface reality can get very aggressive about other people “seeing” their reality as the only reality. They do this from fear, for at heart they know that it’s flimsy fiction. We each perceive reality through the lens of our own life experiences, memories, and personality so there is never only one reality. There’s about 7 million realities co-existing.

Conscious manifestation takes co-creation to another level. Rather than try to “earn” manifested societal perks, one works with invisible energy to influence co-creation before physical reality appears. This is where life gets really interesting. As I state in my book, Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community, “The more your group or community appreciates the power of having one foot in the energy realm of fluid possibility and one foot in manifested (surface) reality, the greater the collective force of your intention, focus and action. Why not get the best of both worlds?”

When we start engaging life and manifestation at both the seen and unseen levels we really start to play with what it is we can create and we intuit more clearly what it is we came to this life to create, to manifest. This is a huge difference, from letting society tell us what is important, and what is valuable. When you work with energy you learn to discern what is true for you individually, and this allows you to bring so much more clear energy to your life, your family, your community, and the planet.

I believe that we steer the creative and inspirational energy that comes from “behind the seen.” Our mission (blueprint) guides us if we pay attention to our intuition. When we let intuition influence our choices, decisions and discernment then we are tuned in to spirit. And, the pressure of having to get it so-called “right” drops away. Working with unseen energy puts the play back into life instead of living being so much work.

Conscious manifestation is like having a banquet of energy to connect to, align with, and create from. It’s expansive creation that is not limited to what our brains can think up. Suddenly all the paths we might take, all the people connections in front of us on a daily basis, all the opportunities for collaboration and celebration appear. It’s like waking out of a trance to realize that all along, you had everything you needed all along.

In Collective Manifestation, I describe my group’s meditation process that enabled us to play in the energy field. I share what we experienced through fifteen meditations. I do this to be both transparent about our learning process and to show how you might go about believing that you can begin creation at a different level of awareness. I offer our experience as example of what is possible.

We hear so much about time being an illusion of our collective manifested reality, and that all timelines are actually layered and occurring simultaneously. Think of it this way: if this is true than all has already been created. You are not reinventing the wheel. We have a great opportunity to get out of our heads and into our hearts. We have the opportunity to influence the evolution of human consciousness by coming to each moment with love. Then we can feel what exists for us to truly work with in the creation of a new reality. Then we can sense the frequency of innovation, of what love creates and makes possible through the All That Is heart we are all a part of.

Play. Create. Feel your oneness with others. Earth needs your willingness to expand into new possibilities as the old-reality paradigm falls away. Never was so much possible.

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community, that is due to launch in October 2014. You can gain immediate access to the first chapter at

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