7 Vital Aspects to Collective Manifestation

Collective Manifestation is a different experience from individual manifestation. Whereas the individual exerts the force of personal will, and engages the power of singular vision in law-of-attraction type manifestation, collective manifestation is a different experience. Here are some points to keep in mind as you work toward creating a cohesive, team, group or intentional community in order to achieve collective aspirations and dreams.

  1. Collective Manifestation is the wave of the future. Whether you realize it or not, you are already a master creator. All that you realize in your life today, in this minute, is the result of you consciously, or somewhat unconsciously, making choices about how to use your precious life energy. There’s a new game in town now. It’s the “collective manifestation movement” as I term it, and it’s all about how do we “coordinate” our collective will to solve the critical issues of our time and to experience more fully our co-creative power?
  2. Collective Manifestation is the realization that the energetic force of many is more potent than the force of any single individual. No matter how brilliant an individual may be, the force of focused energy of many individuals in undeniably more powerful. At this moment in history we are being asked whether or not we truly believe this. Do we believe in our collective power to create the reality we desire? For those who do believe in the power of individuals joining together though true heart-centered vision, the choice is simple: find ways to belong and to contribute that use your best talents, skills and passion.
  3. Collective Manifestation power comes from heart-alignment. A meeting of the minds is not enough. It is necessary to know the values you share and to have clarity around intention. Then you begin to align heart energy.
  4. Collective Manifestation heart alignment is a practice and a process. The mere need to discern how the many energetically align, calls in new levels of creativity. Collective practices like meditative visioning and group dream boarding (which are described in Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community) can be used to “see” collective energy in progress.
  5. Collective Manifestation flourishes through cohesive group activity. The practices and processes used to align hearts, are the key to acting as a force of One. By establishing an energetic link, actions played out on the surface of life become more synchronistic and represent the “unseen” energetic flow your group has established.
  6. Collective Manifestation is about building trust in clear intention. It doesn’t require that the group come up with every step towards it’s goal. Steps that couldn’t have been planned will be revealed. This is a dance of heart energy first and mental energy second. When things become too hard to “figure out,” when group energy is low, then the group has stepped out of heart resonance.
  7. Collective Manifestation is the opportunity to go for the BIG dreams! Now is the time to realize that what seemed like too much for one person to take on in the past, is perfect for a group, team or community of committed individuals to address. Each skill and talent can come into play. We can encourage and inspire each other both through our shared endeavors, and in our individual pursuits. Sometimes, what feels like the simplest thing to offer another human being, is exactly what was needed to move everyone ahead. We tend to over-complicate how we engage, and what matters. Believe in yourself and each person you are connected to. It’s the most hopeful thing you can do to realize your dreams.

Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community by Melissa Wadsworth is part inspirational self-help guide for creating cohesive groups, part social-change manifesto and part experiment in consciousness expansion. The exercises and processes offer a new way to approach intentional community co-creation and what can be known about energy play.

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