How are you aligning your energy?

2015 valuesYou embody precious energy. You extend and connect this YOU energy each time you align with a person, a project, an opinion, a choice. So how conscious are you about aligning your energy in a way that is positive rather than negative?

What story do you tell yourself when you align in a particular way and you reach dead energy or dropped energy? This may be a project that goes nowhere or a friendship that disappears. You may take a step that “should” work, “should” help you reach your goals, and yet you can’t shake the feeling that little or no energy is enlivening the connection.

Alternatively, do you notice when your energy is gladly received and this appreciation charges your energy to greater heights? When we are in alignment we can be inspired by others, by causes, by creative opportunities, by fun adventures. when we are misaligned we can be depleted and confused.

Misalignment is especially frustrating when what works for others, doesn’t seem to work for us. Our logical minds may insist that we’ve taken the right step and yet all the markers for aligned energy are missing. There is no synchronicity. There is no flow. Each step feels like pushing a boulder uphill. There is static, disruption, frustration.

Conscious alignment of your personal and collective energy is key to experiencing life that is satisfying and fulfilling. Consciously align your energy to things, activity, places and people that match your core values. When you do this you will experience more:

  • Flow – All falls into place. No worries arise. Movement exists. All is right in the world. In relationships and collaborations give and take exists in balance.
  • Charged Inspiration – This is the state of joyous uplift and responsiveness that leads to new ideas and additional creativity. In this charged state all is electric and full of potential.
  • Easy Exuberance – The sense that you have found a perfect outlet to match your own energy, your skills, your interest, your passion. This alignment produces a balanced feeling of both peace and inner jumping for joy all at once.

In these changing times, discernment and practice will help you align your energy where it does the most good and has the greatest impact. It’s not about quantity; it’s about quality connections.

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. As a optimistic change catalyst and certified dream coach she is committed to helping people achieve their dreams and expand their vision of human potential.

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