Upgraded Manifestation Delivery System: An 11:11 Blueprint for Integrating Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in Order to Heal Self and the World

Upgraded Manifestation Delivery System: An 11:11 Blueprint for Integrating Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in Order to Heal Self and the World by Melissa Wadsworth

There are energetic forces of love that are collaborating to bring about balanced manifestation in collective reality. The upgraded Manifestation Delivery System blueprints that we each are integrating are full-spectrum divine feminine and divine masculine energies. Do not confuse these with socialized version of femininity and masculinity. The expression of human love potential has expanded and nothing can or will remain the same.

As humans, we have just leveled up and these integrated energies enable each person to experience their wholeness in new empowered ways. We are no longer constrained by gender roles. Rather we can expand into the fuller spectrum of divine feminine and divine masculine creative energy that humanity now has available to it.

In doing so, we become more aware of how to take the invisible superpower of intention (conscious or unconscious) and bring it to visible fruition as mental, emotional or physical shifts and outcomes, and how to do this more consciously within groups, teams and communities. Human abilities as expressions of our liberated spiritual nature are going through a huge growth spurt. The more we realize this, the more we can consciously unleash these integrated energies as our best human selves.

Knowing how to direct energy allows each of us to mindfully step into the flow of creative energy potential rather than fighting the ascending or descending energy in an ego-directed way. Manifestation becomes more and more powerfully conscious as we keep asking ourselves, our groups/tribes, and our villages/communities: “How do we best manifest from our individual consciousness, desire and focus all the while expanding our access to sacred blueprints that are present as energy?”

Ascending and descending energy waves

At a basic level, we can think of the primary divine feminine and divine masculine energy like a unified wave. There is the ascending energy of pure potential that is seeded (feminine) and builds up and up. There is a tipping point in the manifestation process and we experience the descending energy of fruition (masculine) that has become focused through choice. We can play with this ascending and dynamic as we direct our human energy toward work, play, relationships, health, and service. We can remind ourselves that these qualities of ascending and descending love energy are within us, and are a part of the creation cycle of all that we manifest!

ascend descend image

As we discern the distinct qualities of divine feminine and masculine energies we are able to recognize when they are at play within larger systems we interact with (galaxy, constellations, planet, city, community, business, person, etc.). This allows each of us and our teams, groups, and tribes to better position ourselves to take advantage of building energy behind our desires, goals and projects and dispersing energy in a focused way to bring final form to our original intentions.

Where we are now

At this moment in human history we are experiencing the outcome of the last 2000 years of patriarchal dominance over natural systems, that has led to a systemic imbalance on planet Earth.

So modern society is now trying more and more to heal this imbalance, one individual and one village at a time. Not by dominating the system into complicity, but rather by expanding individual collaboration with natural forces. This is how we expand our own sense of Self and our sense of belonging. It’s what author Joanna Macy calls the “eco-self” rather than the “ego-self” in her book World as Lover, World as Self.

We are leaning how to become or BE the energy system rather than living apart from it, as we’ve been doing. We are lessening the sense of duality, of the “me in here” using my creative energy, and the greater creation system “out there” acting independent of me. We are realizing our oneness with our co-humans, with nature and all beings, and from that fresh perspective, perhaps for the first time, experiencing our inner God that considers all as sacred.

This is how we expand our sense of our greater Self to encompass All That Is while maintaining a strong identity that knows how to be of service to the system that we are. It’s how to be in unison while being singular.

Expanding awareness and our responsibility to live into our potential

You and I are not healing a system that others broke. There is no beginning nor end to the unified system we belong to, so how can we point fingers? In our maturity and higher awareness we can choose to take responsibility for healing ourselves, knowing that’s how we heal the system. I do not do what is right for your benefit or because it is good for you. I discern to know what is good for the unified field of Self/All.

The American forefathers famously used the word “indivisible” and it’s a word that can feel old-fashioned to our modern “independent” ears. Yet, it is a strong and definitive word that I am more and more attracted to. This conversation about integrating our divine feminine and divine masculine aspects is an ideal opportunity to live and love our indivisibility.

Chart: Upgraded Manifestation Delivery System Blueprint

How to Manifest anything

Upgraded Manifestation Deliver System from Collective Manifestation.com

Pledge alliance to the unity of YOU for which your manifestation stands (represents)

You are a system of wholeness. Your divine feminine energies plant intention, and then hold space for potential to be germinated, nurtured and blossomed. The divine feminine initiates, holds intention, and sets the stage for creation energetically. It doesn’t need to define the specifics of the manifested outcome. Then, it is the choice and action discernment of the divine masculine energy that provides the focus that shapes final outcome.

The magic of this manifestation system is the bridging energy between sacred feminine and sacred masculine aspects. It is here that sacred grace, opportunity and creativity, infuses the manifestation process. That’s why it’s not all up to us. We have our responsibility for what we hold space for, for what we ground into reality, for what we choose to be a vehicle for (love or fear?). Yet, it is wise to remember we are only seeing a small part of the greater picture. At all times throughout the manifestation process, in our humbleness we can invite in “beyond-what-we-can-imagine” grace, guidance, and greatness.

When you truly realize your wholeness and that there is no division between Self and Others, between Self and the Natural World, between Self and Source, then you begin to have more respect and care for your Self. Your responsibility to Self becomes more vital as you experience from the heart your connection to the unified field of love and how aspects of you are always being mirrored in other aspects of the system from which you are indivisible.

Macro and micro manifesting reflections

Picture9An easy reference for this is to imagine looking at Earth (the micro) from space (the macro). You don’t see the people, you only see the planetary system called Earth. As you get closer to Earth you eventually see the people (the micro) who are a reflection of the Earth system (the macro). If you look closer you can choose to see the cells (the micro) of the individuals (the macro), and so forth.

There is always a wider perspective of the macro and a more intimate focus on the micro that can be taken. Yet, all is one system of self-creating love energy that ascends and descends. When all aspects of any smaller entity (person, company, location) are considered in terms of whether they reflect the wellness or the dis-ease of the larger system, then distinctions of person, tree, bee, ocean, and so forth, are important only in the sense that these distinctions enable us to pinpoint a starting point for healing. You merely want these aspects healed so that the whole system can flourish.

If you incarnated during this time, part of your purpose was to understand earthly balance and to experience how we can as individuals and collectives heal the macro/micro system that we are. We’re here to upgrade our mastery of manifestation that benefits higher Self and All Others.

Petty consumerism or worrying about whether Starbucks puts a snowflake on it’s red coffee cups are mere distraction from more pressing issues we could be focusing on. You are being distracted from your true superpowers, which arise from an integrated Self who is passionate about all the ways (your persona potential) that you can express your All-That- Is-ness.

That’s why understanding the qualities of divine feminine and divine masculine is vital. We cannot heal a system without understanding our holistic selves first. Only then are we playing with a full deck, so to speak. God, Source … the All That Is system, always provides the full deck. Only our ego-minds limit the cards we choose to play with.

As long as we collectively see ourselves apart from the system, we will continue to limit our creativity and solution-generating superpowers. We will continue to take without sufficiently giving back in a balanced manner.

Evolution is about co-healing or creative release … there is no “fix”

Any leader who tells us they can “fix” a broken system is to be feared. When you hear the word “fix” understand the meaning as “the fix is in.” Fix is not a word of integration or collaboration or of oneness. It is a word of dominance and control. It indicates polarity thinking, and the sense of being apart from. Nothing gets fixed from the outside. People like Stalin and Hitler showed us what it looks like to let a leader do the fixing. That is a very base-level doing.

True healing is an inside job. We know this already. We expand our hearts to heal. With gentleness and compassion, we self-appreciate to heal. We become the mirror that enables others to see their own greatness. We spark global evolution through individual growth. Remember, if humans die out, the system continues to operate, to exist, it’s just different.

Examples of the divine in balance

So much that is happening around the global, especially the alignment of science and mysticism, which is a perfect example of the integration of masculine and feminine energies.

People like former president Jimmie Carter, and South African leader Nelson Mandela seem a reflection of the healed masculine, of a balanced human presence. They exhibit divine feminine qualities of receptivity, and a willingness to be conciliatory in their embrace of healing whole structures (community, dysfunctional governments) for the benefit of the many. Nobel peace prize winner Malala Yousifazi, and first lady Michelle Obama are reflections of the balanced feminine presence, that can both nurture others behind-the-seen, as well as courageously lead and be seen in service to the system of Oneness that we are.

This is how the human manifestation delivery system can be in balance, in appreciation for diversity, and more peaceful rather than at war within itself.

This journey of human evolution that we are participating in is taking us to higher and higher levels of being and doing. This will empower healing and abundance energy to expand on the planet, so that truly supportive structures and societies can be built and come together in a unified field of love and light.

We are currently creating new expressions of goodness and wellness that encompasses our awareness that we are the system we heal and love. This is the higher expression of human evolution that makes new miracles possible.

As new-world whole-system creators, we need increased diversity in our relationships, projects, intentional villages and communities. We need the creative power that comes from a wide spectrum of divine feminine and masculine aspects that are packaged in diverse human form.

Lean Into Love

As we more and more live our whole-system-ness, we become unified beacons of love. So keep leaning into the love. Experience your most complete and full Self within a unified system. Hold loving intentions in all that you do, and keep sharing the love that you are. That’s the ultimate thrill of life, the euphoria of playing this manifesting game called life on planet Earth.

Melissa Wadsworth is a creative co-leadership coach and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.



Upgraded Manifestation Delivery System: An 11:11 Blueprint for Integrating Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in Order to Heal Self and the World — 2 Comments

  1. This is freaking awesome, Melissa. You bring up so many good points. I love the charts you created…so clever. I really heard your point about “fixing” and love how you reframed it. Genius!

  2. Thanks Margit. I’m really experiencing where I am aligned to my best self and how I still limit myself, and am hearing others talk about this topic. Likewise, as this divine feminine and divine masculine integration continues to expand within all systems, I’m seeing all the life areas where my energy is aligned and where there is visible dissonance coming to the surface. Very enlightening. Nothing is staying in the shadows. As we expand our hearts, we’ll be learning to be more compassionate and more clear, more forgiving and more discerning. All exciting.