8 Secrets of Collective Manifestation for 2018

Hummingbird tongue showing how to manifestWhat manifestation is and how we can facilitate BEING the stuff of manifestation, shifts as our perceptions shift. We are human projectors after all. We are the lens, the filter through which what we experience as reality comes into being.

Reality is a projection of your vibration, of your consciousness – both what aligns to it and what is experienced as a misalignment. That is why we can talk ourselves blue in the face trying to convince someone of a different vibrational reality and they just can’t “hear” it, they can’t see it. It simply is not their experience.

Dedication and commitment to higher consciousness provides awareness of where the nectar in life is to be found. First you must believe it exists for you. Then you must believe it exists for others too, and that you are not in competition for the nectar of life. The joy, the peace, the satisfaction you seek is present. It is the stuff of hopeful high heart collective manifestation.

Here are a few points that can help simplify how you manifest in 2018. I’ve covered some of this before, but I always find it helpful to restate these things for my own clarity and to provide inspiration to others. Think of it as the nectar I offer to all who fly by.

1. Reality is an inside job. What you are in consciousness (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual) is the “material” you have to work with as you create your life. The vibration of your light is like the flicker of a projector light on a movie screen. Your essence, your vibration determines what movie shows up.

2. What flows through each of us, as possibility, as intention, and as ATTENTION is material of New Earth reality. Collective manifestation or reality is not a circumstance we react to. Reality is a reflection of collective belief and programming about what exists and what is possible to exist. In the last year and moving forward, we are collectively being shocked into seeing what we have hidden from ourselves. This happen in segments. As we awaken to more of what has been hidden and horded in the shadows, we can clear it. Then we can hold greater fresh heart space for what we desire to collectively manifest as a reality that is accessible to ALL. You anchor reality in each now moment.

3. You choose in each moment what to create. If you wish to experience something better, start with the VALUE you wish to expand in world. If you want to see more kindness BE it. If you wish to experience more respectful interaction, MODEL it. If you believe your energy matters, pulse out joy, and peace, and love, and understanding. Keep choosing not to be the mean kid on the block or part of the mob. Keeping choosing to reflect on how your next word or action will positively or negatively affect others.

4. Neutrality is a potent manifesting force. Practice neutrality. This is a space of NO stories. Practice feeling and sensing what exits in a space of needing nothing, no particular outcome. What is present there? The mind likes to take sides, to have its way. Yet, the mind is a limited vehicle. When you trust that more than what the mind can comprehend EXISTS and is possible, you have more potential to play with, to align with (even if you don’t have a name for what this is). Neutrality is a high vibration. Trust in it’s potency.

5. Heart flow is the bridge from unseen energy into manifested (seen) reality. Attend to your heart energy and you attend to what you experience in each Now Moment. You manifest from energy. If you believe you need money to get what you want out of life then that will be true for you. Your ego mind will be in charge and will block heart flow from manifesting from any other possibility. As you become more awake and aware you see the ways in which you have been brain-washed to limit the true power of collective manifestation. If you understand and trust that you can magnetize bring into being what you desire then HOW it happens can be very creative indeed.

6. The Personal IS Global. What you manifest for self you manifest as an aspect of collectively manifested New Earth reality. So be aware of how you can make the personal global. If you desire equality for yourself, how does that become equality for all? How does truly loving your life, help others love their lives? We are programmed to feel guilty for having lives we enjoy. Try to release guilt and expand you heart energy so that all may benefit from more loving energy being present in the world. In that way you are always being of service to the Bigger Picture. Love yourself so that the world can be loving!

7. What is broken in our World is Healed by Clearing Trauma and Negativity. Keep releasing old stories, cultural brain washing, societal programming. Just today I released a piece of an old story that I had always felt bad about. Finally, I was able to understand the whole dynamic of trauma and let myself off the hook. If felt so simple. That’s how it is when we finally reach a place of greater understanding. It feels clear and simple and makes us wonder what took us so long to feel the truth of it. I am smiling at this truth as I type.

8. Take steps to Magnetize Magic. All of January I had a cold and little energy. Self care was the necessary focus. In an interesting way this has been healing on multiple levels, and helped me to break some bad habits. In the dreary grey of winter I put hummingbird feeders to magnetize these magical birds into my little sphere of reality. And that has made all the difference! Each day is a new opportunity to see and to attract the magic of the Universe.

As you progress through 2018, remember that there is not one reality. Reality is a co-creation. It is an energetic collaboration. Intend to be conscious at each moment of the energetic essence you are adding to the reality mix.

Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist, artist, and believer in human brilliance. She is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community, www.collectivemanifestation.com

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