Understanding the Value of the Law of Attraction in Birthing a Unified New Earth

collective manifestation and law of attraction

photo by Gerson Repreza

Recently, a friend posted on social media about her experience with the Law of Attraction. She recounted how obsessed she was with learning about this natural law. Then she denigrates it from her current perspective of being of service to humanity and seeing the Law of Attraction as being a selfish focus – a material focus.

This got me to thinking about the Law of Attraction and it’s role in the development of human consciousness and personal manifestation – as well as how it helps us to arrive at group effort and collective manifestation that benefits ALL.

As humans we tend to think of our current perspective as an end point, a kind of “oh I’ve got it!” arrival of insight or wisdom.

When we remember that we are always is process of becoming aware, of expanding our understanding, then we realize that no one stage of personal growth or of consciousness development is the END. It’s not the end-all, as they say. It is a DOT of understand on the spiral of Life.

Understanding the Law of Attraction – even realizing that such a thing exists – is a vital transition point in our human-spiritual consciousness. It serves a function of moving us from outer focus – what others think, what others do, what others believe we are capable of achieving, what restrictions exit that limit us, etc., to an INNER focus of what can I perceive and realize through my own heart-mind wisdom.

The Law of Attraction that basically states that “Energy Attracts Like Energy”. The Law of Attraction is a necessary path to empowered awareness. Once you realize you are a co-creator of what is experienced as your reality, you can no longer be a victim.

Once you realize that there is not one version of reality, but millions of individual experiences of reality through one’s belief system, then you can no longer abdicate your power to an outside force with a puny perspective of how it really is.

Once you realize that your subconscious thoughts together with the emotional vibration that they generate creates beliefs that launch physical reality (as situations, events, circumstances,) then you step into your greater creator Self that is not here to be REACTIONARY. Your are here to be a creative powerhouse connected consciously to divine will.  As a creator force playing an “As If” game, you increasingly respond to subtle love-wisdom energies and intelligence that is beyond man-made dictated versions of reality. This is an important stepping stone to creative abilities. Just as we move from outer focus to inner focus, we move from concrete mind to more abstract mind practices.

When you realize that understanding the Law of Attraction is but a phase of consciousness development, then you can move on to your next phase of greater consciousness. Some people, of course, are so enamored of the Law of Attraction that they want to stay stuck in creating material outcomes. This leads to much spiritual by-passing, selfishness, and the spiritual being over-laid on the material world of consumerism. This is a mistake of perception, of course. It is a limitation to expanded consciousness.

Law of attraction understanding can lead to an inner sense of great inner bounty. You realize that the mind-heart connection informs the physical world.

From the development of this sense of inner bounty can flow much graciousness, compassion, and an expanded sense of service to others.

Yet, attachment to material games, it is always a choice made in consciousness. Humans, for varying reasons, and based on various needs, may choose to stay stuck in LOA games. This is ok. Each choice is just a perceptual expression. Many people like playing the human perception game and staying with that experience. Yes, it may seem selfish. Try accepting it as a natural phase of consciousness and soul development. Many paths, yet we are One.

For those who incarnated for a bigger game of service to humanity, and service to the birth of new Earth unity through collective manifestation (group focus and activity), then there is a natural inclination to move on. Seeds of spiritual inspiration help us to embrace greater awareness and to KNOW of greater possibility. This drives us forward as vehicles of light.

In the end, the greatest sign that any of us has shifted our consciousness into a consistent spiritual gear, is the non-judging, non-straining mind.

The Dali Lama is a great example of someone who is able to hold great consciousness of all the suffering and multitude of antics wrought by humanity and laugh. Realizing the illusionary nature of the outer human experience (manifested outcomes of the human mental, emotional, physical consciousness), he is able to observe, to act on, and to be connected to ordinary reality, while maintaining higher clarity about true human potential and the living nature of all Beings: mineral, plant, animal, planetary, galactic, and beyond.

The Law of Attraction is a bridge to Higher Consciousness. Be aware of it. Play with it. Empower yourself and others. Use it to align to the highest version of manifestation you can imagine that impacts all levels of divine expression and experience.  Use it to manifest through group intention and focus. Maturing consciousness naturally leads to this kind of collective play in which responsible choices are a path to liberation and expansion.

Group service and collective manifestation are coming into Being in each Now moment. From separation and division we are moving toward unity. We are on path; you are on path. Have faith in that. Have faith in the power of that inevitability. Much love to all.

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. www.collectivemanifestatiton.com

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