Engaging Our Collective Radical Imagination

Photo by Anika Huizinga on Unsplash

I had a dream that I was back on my college campus. At first my consciousness reacted with: “Been here, done that.” But then I realized this was in India. And, even though in waking life I’ve never been to India, my consciousness responded in a renewed way, with enthusiasm: “I love India!” There were steep stairways leading up into the building entrances. From inside the buildings, looking through huge windows, I could see the moon in more dimensional detail than I’ve ever seen it. I could see the Domes of beautiful buildings. I wanted to be able to see even more!

Upon awaking, I realized that my dream was all about higher learning, and getting more clarity, during this time of shifting perspectives. It was about getting newly excited about life and new possibilities! It was pointing toward the need for greater Imagination. There was even a dream scene in which all the plants and trees were upside down and I wondered, “how does the water stay in?” What new viewpoints are available to us right now that have never been available to our consciousness before?

How might our world work better, even when our logic says it’s impossible to work in the way proposed or newly imagined? Only imagination can engage true potential at the beginning stages of change. Logic tends to keep thing going along a familiar track; imagination enables expansion – the taking of an entirely new track. Expansion beyond what we’ve ever experienced.

Radical Re-imagining

During this time of Covid-19 we were first introduced to the experience of radical perspective change. Sure in sci-fi books we might have read about something like a virtual stop to “normal” societal day-to-day activity, but living it? Living it has been surreal. It has been a blessing. It has been a curse. The days go quickly; the months pass so very slowly. So much is unknown. So many of our structural security blankets and cultural “perks” have gone away.

Now, I think how this time of Covid has been perfect as a training ground for what is now unfolding and will continue to unfold. Change with a capital C.

We have already been introduced to how reality can be flipped in a way that few of us could have imagined. So perhaps we can now better imagine radical change aligned to a higher level of human consciousness. As old limits fall away from our collective mental construct of what reality is, then what?

Defund the police

I could not have imagined widespread support for police forces having their budgets decreased so our communities could finally, truly address structural societal issues like racism and homelessness and drug problems from a higher perspective.

How long we have looked away from these problems, refusing to really deal with them in a helpful and holistic manner that takes all players into consideration? How long have we assumed that the prevailing power structure cannot be changed?

Now we must look, really look and reimagine what is possible. Defund the police. Disarm racism. Because, now it seems, anything is possible! This is co-creating and learning at a higher level. This is not the same old learning curve. This is warp-speed change and progress. This is the time to create something new while all is up in the air. We choose what falls back into place – the status quo or life reimagine fully.

People Powered Potential

Now we see that true integrity and courage lies with the people and not with the institutions. In fact, it is the citizens of color who are able to hold their ground even as police brutality makes the point of institutionalized racism for them. They can no longer be taken off point.

We all must stay on point. We must all sense into the collective radical imagination of what is possible for human interaction and human equality. This is the collective work and play we are about now.

There seem to be forces, in nature, in the universe that support this radical shifting of the old into something whole and new. The preparation for the new opportunities arising is indeed shocking and surprising, but exciting, too. Even the intentional change-makers are finding their footing in this new dynamic. We are each finding out how adaptable and resilient we are. Can we pivot our skills, talents, and focused energy toward the new with grace and inclusiveness? Can we see where we might be needed that we didn’t see before?

Reshaping Human Potential as a Collective

Now humanity is being re-shaped. We are human evolution and it is like we are clay once more — in a way that is more visible than ever before. What is possible for us as co-creators? What higher learning can we embrace? What new, unfamiliar, upside-down perspectives will we allow as we enter the field of radical imagination? Are we willing to try them on? Can crises and chaos be seen as new doorways to the new shape of love and equality?

If we can let go of what we thought we knew about human evolution — its pace and the likelihood of its progress in our lifetime —  then what? Can we expand our consciousness enough to ground our new playing field of radical imagination into manifested reality?

I am feeling very hopeful for humanity. I hope you do, too. These are the kinds of leaps in possibility that should engage us all. Now. This Moment.

Melissa Wadsworth is a change agent and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.





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