Collective Manifestation: Creating from Love Intention!

Photo by Melissa Wadsworth

Why create? 

Because Love wants to be expressed,

Just as you are an expression of Love Divine, your true nature is to create from Love. Your true inner nature is to radiate your energy outward, to choose your focus from a point of pure light that wants to beam through your signature vibration and all the ways that can be expressed.

Let Love be Your Start. Let Love Be the Intention. Emanate that!

We only have true power over the beginning of our creation – the vibrational spark of Love Intention. Where it ultimately leads, how it expands, and who picks up the creative thread is not up to us. We can only create from Love Intent – trusting in the Divine power of that Love to express itself perfectly in the World.

Each time we choose Love as our starting point, we more consciously create from our true divine nature.

There will be outcomes we can’t foresee or predict. There will be variations on Love sparks from other people that we align with or not. We make our own conscious (or not) co-creative choices during our part of the creative process, realizing that it IS ever expanding.

Sometimes, we perhaps pick up where ancestors left off – or pick up an unfulfilled dream. Sometimes we tune into a creative impulse that was been energetically seeded in the collective mental field. All is part of the mystery and magic of creating from love. Where the ego limits, the heart connects.

Our individual energetic blueprints direct our energy down specific avenues of creative possibility that get expressed in various amazing ways. Some avenues will be artistic, architectural or technical in nature. Others will be scientific, agricultural or civic based. This is true whether we are creating as an individual or as a group or a collective. Through Love Intention, we align our true essences and interests, intersecting at heart. We align where our gifts and talents can expand to do the most good. Love emanates around the world in billions of different ways that are a variation on a theme: Love freed (from old paradigm constraints, from mental controls, from unconscious conditioning, etc.).

Often, we are frustrated by the limitations we perceive – whether that be social, cultural or personal limits. Yet, from such limitations, ingenuity rises. Guided focus due to specific circumstance or greatest need is the field where inventions and solutions appear.

Love helps us to create from a fresh point of origin, rather than recycling all the unconscious garbage of conditioning from our past. That matters greatly to where humanity is headed. And, as we create from Fresh Love Emanations, we experience a greater sense of oneness. Love naturally aligns itself to best outlets and energy streams.

Love is the ultimate expanding nature of Source, so we must learn to align to this force in order to keep expanding the Earthly Play of which we take part. We are UP-ing our Game by shifting into our Higher Nature of Love. Love is no longer fear-related ─ fear of losing love, of not finding love, of not feeling love, of not realizing that we are love. We begin now to remember that we are unlimited creators because that is our God Nature bequeathed to us in Love. In all things a spark (blueprint) of God Divine lives to guide the creative process that is an infinite game/play of Love.

When we truly believe in God’s Love Nature we will no long fear God or ourselves. When we truly experience within ourselves God Love, we will explode into a million different fragments of Love Divine that floods our Beingness with Ecstasy at the wonder of it all. That which is given in Love and begun in Love can be no other than Love, no matter what it looks like to the human brain. When we have more practice seeing, tasting, touching, hearing and knowing from our Love Mind, we will experience stimuli much differently.

When we truly understand the expansive nature of Love, then All will Flower in Front of Us as Love. Begin with an intention of love and all that you are and do naturally expands beyond imagination, beyond mere effort. When we begin with an intention of love all that follows holds that potent seed of manifestation.

Believe. Trust. Create for Self and All Beings. Welcome to Your Love Nature!

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