Manifesting with Dream Board Magic: Part 1

BEING of Three Minds

“Sometimes you’ve got to let everything go – purge yourself. . . Because you’ll find
that when you’re free, your true creativity, your true self comes out.”

– Tina Turner

Directing Your Life from a Balanced Mind

Who are you? Are you your thoughts? Are you your personality predispositions and preferences? How about your negative mental chatter…who is that talking so harshly to you? There’s a lot of debate and scientific research about the source of our consciousness and the role of the brain. There is also an expanding scientific spiritual community that looks at the workings of the mind from the viewpoint that spirit informs consciousness.

I tend to align with this community of thought. Consciousness naturally references soul connection. As Deepak Chopra explains it in his book Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul, the soul carries the potential, the mind carries the intention and the brain produces the result. You are engaged in this dream board process to get fresh insights into your soul potential.

I’ve come to think of humans as having three minds. It is like we have opposing directives. Understanding how these three minds operate, informs you about how to weigh the mind messages you get — what to listen to, what to act on, what to release and what to ignore.

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The ego mind

The ego mind is the self-focused ME mind. On the positive side EGO wants to apply its talents and skills and to be valued. On the downside, the ego mind tends to be REACTIVE and dramatic. It is safety and survival concerned. The Ego mind often identifies ME in comparison to Others.

The intellectual mind

Broadly applied, this is the “WE” mind that allows humanity to see itself as part of a system (one’s community and country, planetary and universal), and to make choices about how to use and align one’s mental/emotional/physical gifts and preferences. This RESPONSIVE mind likes to discern, to think things through, connect dots and consider options.

The intuitive mind

This is the ONE mind of Wholeness. Intuition is direct knowing that is not reliant on brain-based knowledge. In Merging with Siva, Hinduism’s Contemporary Metaphysics, Hindu sage Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami describes the intuitive mind like this: “When man is extremely perceptive, tremendously creative and knowledge seems to come to him from the inside of himself spontaneously, he is a superconscious being.” The Intuitive mind is spontaneous, creative, nonlinear, knowing, soulful, and concerned with expanded consciousness. Intuition enables humans to experience multi-dimensional being and truth.

In order to expand into your full potential, it helps to recognize if you’ve let one of these minds be overly in control, for too long. Social media keeps many people trapped in the Ego Mind– on high alert for any opinion that does not match their own conception of reality. Always being in one’s head can cut us off from our heart wisdom. And wisdom from intuition benefits others by being grounded in the world in some way.

Homework: Consider whether you have a balanced state-of-mind.

What is the balance of your ego mind to intellectual mind to intuitive mind that you experience on most days right now? For instance: 30% ego, 60% mental, 10% intuition. Your percentages should add up to 100%. Do you feel there’s an imbalance going on?

If you’re like most people, you’ll realize that either your fears and worries or need for control (ego) have the leading role in your thoughts, beliefs and actions or you’re heavily intellectualizing your challenges, changes and goals (trying to figure everything out from your head, from reasoning or logic about what’s best to do). Many of us don’t find it natural to work primarily from intuition. Decide which mind you’d like to turn the volume down on and practice tuning into a better channel so your emotions are in sync with the outlook you want to bring to your daily life.

  • Where do you feel disconnected? Do you feel disconnected to your body’s wisdom? How about from your heart-based aspiration? Perhaps you feel cut off from what your soul intuitively hungers for? Or you could be all hot emotions and a bit disconnected from cooling reason.
  • What step will you take to get back in touch with your disconnected self? First, ask from an intuitive place and write down what comes to you. Then think about any additional steps you might incorporate.
  • What are the primary messages you hear from self-talk and mental chatter? Is this your voice? Someone else’s? Where did the message originate? Identifying these can help you to pinpoint what’s limiting you, what habitual belief or repetitive thought is running your autopilot program.
  • Come up with a “reverse” belief or less resistant thought that you will practice each day to help train your brain for a new core belief. For instance, if you realize that one of your dominant thoughts is: “Nothing I do is ever good enough” you might reverse it to: “What I do matters,” or “I am my best in this moment.” Choose something that resonates powerfully when you think or say it to yourself. Then each time you’re aware of negative thoughts consciously stop and replace with your new empowering statement. It doesn’t have to be a huge leap in thinking; it just needs to be a better thought.

It takes at least 3 weeks of daily repetition to incorporate any new thoughts or beliefs into your brain in a meaningful way (otherwise your autopilot program takes over again). Be gentle with yourself. Realize that it’s a step-by-step process of trying to balance the self-talk dialogue that’s been playing for years! It doesn’t happen overnight, but it can happen in small shifts that bring about significant changes in your daily outlook, overall perspective and emotional well-being. A little disciplined effort can have a huge positive impact!

Click the link below to see the next dream board session: 

Part 2: What You Notice Matters

Manifesting with Dream Board Magic! Copyright 2009-2017 Melissa Wadsworth