What to do when worry overwhelms you!

Worry, worry. Sometimes it’s overwhelming.

spinning out of control

We see everything that is going wrong in the world. We worry about changes and all that is unknown in our personal lives. We worry about our future, about children and their future. We desire to help others and live a satisfying life…but how?

How do we move past paralyzing worry and spinning thoughts that take us out of our power?

When our minds get on a worry track our creativity energy is directed in a non-productive way.

When worry, anxiety and fear drives manifestation, we cannot positively tap into solutions that already exist, and we bog down co-creation with others.

When worry about all that can go wrong outweighs our perspective around positive possibilities, it’s time to find one’s still heart center afresh.

finding your heart desireFinding one’s heart center can be as simple as Pausing. Breathing.

Finding one’s heart center can be a s simple of relinquishing control and holding space for grace to show up.

Finding one’s heart center can mean listening from a heart that is neither here nor there … but everywhere and full of every potential.

Finding your heart center can be as simple as a five-minute meditation or walk along the beach.

These simple steps make space between worry tracks for soul to speak, to get a word in. And often all we need is a few heart-felt words to start anew, refreshed and reminded of our true path.

Then we can experience a renewed sense of trust again. Trust in our path. Trust that we are enough. Trust in the evolution of all beings. It is, after all, not all up to us personally to right the world.

In a world that feels unsteady, we can only right ourselves.

When we aren’t being pulled off center by any particular worry we can open our energy field to inspiration and new direction.

From the center of a still heart consciousness can choose us!

A peaceful heart is a non-resistant channel for greater soul emergence, for creative impulses, for amazing realizations, for action that aligns to divine will.

May you all experience the love, grace and truth that surround you at all times.

Melissa Wadsworth is a certified dream coach, manifestation expert, and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. Read the first chapter at: http://www.collectivemanifestation.com

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