3 Ways Human Interaction Becomes the Mother of All Creation!

Humans ARE creative energy. Humans are creation itself. We are each individually “the Mother of all Creation.” Together, through intentional heart-based interaction, we may engage mindfully in collective manifestation. With imagination, intuition, curiosity and leaps of faith we may birth new perspectives, new consciousness and energetic structures that can hold new possible realities.

If this all sounds very high-minded or ungrounded, know that each day we can activate, access and ground this innate creation potential in simple ways:

First, the more diverse and inclusive our interactive circles of play, the more access we have to expanded mental, emotional, physical possibilities and the more we are able to understand and address global issues directly through the strength of united intention and spirit.

Alternately, when we play in the same pools of energy without expansion or diversity, we get the same kinds of results and creative output, which we already see are not enough to address complex, compounded issues.

The human tendency is to limit our circles of interaction.

It seems simpler, more enjoyable to hang out with people who think like us. There is a benefit to having personal, and group/community-based intentions that connect us to people (who we are aware of, as well as with people unknown to us) who align with the specific goals and perspectives. We can perceive this as being focused or coherent. Yet, living in a digital age, we can now see that often what we create are echo-chambers – minds, voices, opinions that generally agree with us.

These echo-chambers become the “echo” of reality we co-create and “live” day-to-day. We think of these connected energy group reality as our comfort zone. Within these like-minded circles we believe we understand how others think, what motivates them. Yet, by doing this we are limiting field of play and possibility.

Trump is an interesting example of this. While he took his ego show on the road and “spoke” to groups of people unlike him  as a rich, privileged businessman, he actually promotes limiting circles of interaction. Hence he suggests registering and deporting Muslims as “others” we should not interact with and limiting access to America by Mexicans.

And, it appears, he is elevating the prominence of his inner circle – his family – in his role as the  next President rather than truly expanding his interactions to a larger group of people who can bring in different expertise and perspectives. He doesn’t seem to desire “admitting in” any viewpoint but his own. This anti-evolutionary. This is anti-potential.

In our polarized world it’s important to be highly conscious of expanding our engagement with one another, especially people who think differently from us, if we wish to be more inclusive and diverse.

From linear to multi-dimensional

Secondly, we can acknowledge that life is multi-dimensional, rather than linear. We can liberate our programmed minds and play with the idea that conscious creation affects multiple levels of existence that we are both able to see and that are invisible – mental reality, emotional reality, physical reality, cosmic reality, energetic reality.

If you think of your circle of interaction and influence like this diagram, your view of energy is rather flat.


Collective manifestation energy is not linear. It behaves like a torus, bringing in multi-dimensional spheres of connected energy that can come into play to expand possibilities. Networked spheres include connections to many circles of energy in play at the same time. Each “crossroad” is an activation point where new possibilities can emerge.


Our small circles of reality are being shaken up and opened up! That means we either open our hearts to change and expansion — sensing into the new flow of creative energy at our doorstep….or we resist the shake up and experience it as highly disruptive and unwanted. We each choose our experience of this invitation.

Will you to continue playing small? Or will you agree, however reluctantly, to engage the new reality playing field?

All the “sister” women around the world who will be marching on Saturday January 21st, the day after the inauguration, are saying “Yes” to the power of expanding one’s circle of play. They are saying “Yes” to putting faces to the energy dynamics that exist yet are not readily seen in all geographic locations.

These marches are a great example of collective manifestation that is the mother of all creation – of creativity that multiplies. There will have multidimensional energetic effects on sexism, social justice, activism and many other areas that I am not aware of. There will be new movements that arise, new intentions sparked and additional groups will be formed to funnel the forceful energy that these marches create. Intersection is a powerful technology that humans can use to create a better world.

Wow we Integrate “Other” through intersection

Thirdly, we can accept the invitation (our golden opportunities) to expand day-to-day reality. This includes our being able to allow differing opinions, “conflicting” perspectives to co-exist.

In the past, we may have been able to pretend we were part of the “majority” or a “minority.” We were able to segregate ourselves according to how we believed and according to lifestyle. With transparency being the key word for 2017, only the most stubborn can pretend this is still an organizing structure that works. These false separations are breaking down so that new narrative structures can emerge to hold expanded consciousness.

We are global and global diversity exists everywhere. If not in your physical neighborhood, than it exists in your city or on your computer. Most importantly, globally diversity exists in the heart-guided mind. And, as more individual people are guided by the heart-mind (as opposed to shadow side of ego-mind), the more global consciousness is integrated.

2017 and beyond

In 2017 we are being asked to expand the players we co-create consciously with. Now is the time to invite others we think we aren’t aligned with into the reality play we co-create. Intentional collective manifestation is how we will resolve conflicts and become more unified as humans harmoniously co-existing with other beings on planet Earth.

Recently two organizations brought together Alabama Trump voters and California liberals for discussions. This was an experiment in civil conversation that largely succeeded and indicates that people want to communicate with one another. It is perhaps reflective of the human need for connection, the need to be heard. We can connect through respect for others and through sincere attempts to understand others

Stories like this feel like huge intersection points in the evolution game. Post election people took to their corners. There has been lots of social media rants to the effect of: “Those people who voted differently from me are disgusting!”  “Those people don’t understand me!” “Stupid people, they don’t know what’s good for them.” “I don’t understand how anyone can be so backwards in their perspectives!”

In order to move toward inclusive, multidimensional conflict resolution, we can each do personal growth work that includes the following:

  1. Acknowledge that being in the presence of conflicting opinions and hard feelings feels upsetting, awkward, and even other-worldly. You perhaps liked the play you had going and your part in it (maybe that is privilege). As you feel your feelings…
  2. Ask yourself how your judgements apply to yourself. If I judge others as disgusting, what parts of myself do I feel this way about? There is a man on my Facebook feed that often calls out “victim mentality.” This certainly is part of his personal growth work around this issue. Looking at your judgements is a way to remind yourself that all is a reflection of your feelings for self (about how you fit into the world…into the scheme of things) and your own potential. Racists want to limit the liberty of others because (inevitably) they themselves feel limited in some specific way or in total (not being awakened to their own gifts and potential). They feel chained to the reality they experience. We can always…
  3. Get curious about how your little narrative can become a transformative or more expansive. Accept that you are more creative than you ever thought possible.

Transitioning into greater understanding

Transitioning into greater understanding is the way to hold a larger field of reality, to allow differing perspectives in, knowing that it is all creative energy. The more creative energy you let into your field of play, the more you have to work with.

So go ahead invite in the alternate reality you are currently resisting. Remember that the law of attraction tells us that if we focus on resisting what we don’t want, we only get more of that. What we can’t comprehend or have not experienced in small circles of reality, we can reject or be in resistance to. So we have to become expansion itself. We have to be expanded heart, open mind, and a point of physical reception.

As humans who manifest, we must be willing to let others manifest differently and we must observe manifest differences without getting our egos all bent out of shape. It’s all in the Mother of Creation Mix: a little of this, a little of that. As every human has experienced, nothing goes in one direction all the time. Tides ebb and tides flow. The merry-go-round of life goes up and down.

When we wake up our collective curiosity, imagination, and intuition, we are better able to move through fear and confusion and better able to understand the diverse aspects of reality that are able to seed new heart-based intentions. Then we actively and more effectively contribute to an empowered reality coming into form, even as the old reality play falls apart.

Small circles of inclusive, multidimensional, and diverse conscious reality can hold great potential to have amazing ripple effects in the Universe. Know that you are part of that, that you help to uplift humanity. Together we are the Mother of All Creation.

Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist and artist, and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Intentional Community.

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