Collective Manifestation Case Study: Infusing Art with Healing Intention

Trophin’s Kidney-Kind® Founders Commission an Inspired Wellness Collection by Artist Melissa Wadsworth

 London, England – April 2017 It’s not unusual for the business and art worlds to intersect. What is unusual is that in a quickly changing and often chaotic world, creativity and innovation are infusing new healing perspectives and approaches into both the business and art worlds as a sign of the cohesive nature of all things.

Gabriele Neumann is a co-founder and director of Trophin Kidney-Kind®, a United Kingdom-based company that develops and markets nutritional food supplements for dialysis patients at In the development phase of her company, she had an intuitive idea to work with an artist friend to develop an art collection that “held” specific healing intentions important to the company and its customers. This would be a wellness art collection

“My partner and I were immediately taken by the art of Melissa Wadsworth, feeling that her work was a fitting reflection of the love, goodness and high vibration we consciously put into every aspect of our Trophin Kidney-Kind® business. Also, we saw how art could affirm the mind-body-energy connection that is particularly relevant to those with chronic kidney disease, “ stated Gabriele, who started Trophin  Kidney-Kind® with life partner and business co-founder Spiros Lappas.

The importance of positive influences 

Gabriele was inspired to commission the intention-infused art after reading Masaru Emoto’s renowned book, The Hidden Messages in Water, that showed through photographic experiments how water crystals are profoundly shaped by positive and negative influences.

Gabriele explained that Emoto and his team researched various aspects of water — water in the human body, water in our daily life, water on Earth. His creative experiments were driven by a deep inquiry: “Does each ‘kind’ of water hold different information, and, if so, can you see it?” To answer this question, he exposed water to different kinds of influences: music, words, feelings, blessings and prayer.

Emoto’s before-and-after photography shows that the water reacts to such “infusions” by rearranging and changing its crystal shape and symmetry. He found the shapes to be either even more aligned, coherent, beautiful and soothing if exposed to loving, soothing and beautiful influences — or distorted and misaligned if exposed to harsh, angry or chaotic vibrations. These ground-breaking results showed the importance of considering what humans are exposed to as positive and negative influence and how we hold that energy in our bodies.

“This information resonated strongly since adult bodies are comprised of about 70% water, and the kidney is one of the most important water organs in our bodies. In our work we knew that the kidneys of dialysis patients experience fluid restrictions. So we focused on how the quality of the water in their bodies becomes even more critical,” Gabriele stated. “As we were creating food items that promote health, including a healthy circulation of blood and water in the body, we began to explore how we might layer all aspects of our business with the intention to communicate whole-system health and healing.”

Health-infused art collection

Gabriele invited Melissa Wadsworth to create a signature artwork collection for Trophin, addressing the quality of water in our bodies and lives. Over the next six months, she created four paintings, infusing her work with “loving intentions and wellness affirmations.” Trophin’s original Wellness Collection includes: “Cellular Rebirth,” “Wholeness,” “Circulation,” and “Elemental Change.” This wellness collection is infused with the following wellness affirmations (good health affirmations) and intentions.

art by melissa wadsworth

Trophin Wellness Collection “Cellular Rebirth”

Cellular Rebirth Affirmation: “Cells hold intelligence. Each cell contains the blueprint for the whole being. When we shine light into every cell and on the body’s ability to heal, we actively take part in this renewal process.”

Intention:Connecting with the element of fire, I intentionally release and surrender all mental, emotional and physical debris from my body and blood in recognition of the sacred process of change.”

The intention and affirmation expressed through the art of Cellular Rebirth allows for a reconnection with the recharging light energy of fire in our bodies and lives.”


art by melissa wadsworth

Trophin Wellness Collection “Wholeness”

Wholeness Affirmation: “All systems work together in perfect harmony for the well being of the whole. Focusing on the seed center of this spiraling energy, I tune into the never ending source of wellness all around me and everyone.”

Intention: Connecting with the element of Earth in my body, I ground divine light in sacred form by loving and appreciating my physical body and wholeness.” This sacred seed of well-being, as expressed in “Wholeness,” creates a connection with the strengthening and nourishing energy of Earth.

melissa wadsworth art

Trophin Wellness Collection “Circulation”

Circulation Affirmation: “Circulation is primary to good health – the circulation of oxygen, blood, nutrients. When active circulation is present in me, the entire human health field is vibrant, uplifted.”

Intention: “Connecting with the element of Air in my body from a high, focused mind, I consciously breathe the intention for perfect flow through all circulation systems.” This intention enhances the connection with the releasing energy of air and the calming, healing qualities of conscious breathing.

Elemental Change Affirmation: “Air, Fire, Water, and Earth represent the powerful elements from which universal balance arises – inside and outside. When these divine forces are in flow, we move through life and health challenges knowing that positive energies are aiding us each and every day.”

art by melissa wadsworth

Trophin Wellness Collection “Elemental Change”

Intention: “Connecting with the element of Water in our body from my high

heart, expressions of love and beauty flow. I trust in the wisdom of my body and the unseen balance that positively impacts artery health and opens energetic doorways of health and abundance”. The intention expressed in “Elemental Change” connects to the clearing and cleansing qualities of the element water in our bodies and lives.

Whole connection and cycles

Gabriele points out that although each painting is specifically connected to an affirmation, each painting also expresses and connects to the other three affirmations. “The four pieces together can be understood as a whole cycle— like the cycle of life—a perfect balance of the four elements within and around us, and there is nothing more beautiful than that,” said Gabriele.

Gabriele and Spiros use the art as inspiration for their business and as marketing visuals that communicate and hold healing intention. Each painting, as well as the whole Trophin art collection, is available as a digital download or postcard. Coasters are designed to transmit positive influences to water.

The idea of these materials is that by consciously looking at the visuals and holding one of the affirmations in your mind or by placing your water glass on the coaster, you invite a positive influence to affect your well-being and health.

Melissa Wadsworth is an Etsy artist at Brilliance Unlimited, and the author of a non-fiction book about the world-changing power of online and face-to-face intentional communities, titled Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. More information at

Trophin Kidney-Kind® biscuits were specifically created with renal dietician specialists to enhance the life of dialysis patients. These high-protein/high-energy biscuits are a healthy, delicious, risk-free snacking option, that aids in better compliance and nutrition for people with Chronic Kidney Disease. For more information go to:

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Melissa Wadsworth is an artist and author focused on bringing healing change to the world through the power of conscious communications and intentional creativity.

Gabriele Neumann ( is the co-founder and director of Trophin Kidney-Kind®, a United Kingdom-based company that develops and markets nutritional food supplements for dialysis patients at


*Emoto Marasu’s water-crystal-photography

je Hidden Messages in Water, by Emoto Marasu


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