Liberating Your Energy Field for New World Creation

Manifesting light

Liberating Energy Waves

What liberations of energy can you name? Are you conscious of these liberations of your light throughout your lifetime?

Personal Liberations Feed the Collective Field

Energy, like everything in life builds, expands, reaches a tipping point, lands, and then begins to recede much life a wave that crashes onshore and then flows back into the ocean that is the source of all waves.

If we can look at our own ocean of experience and see the waves, we gain insight into the energy that is us.

Can you pinpoint times in your life where a certain kind of energy was released that opened you to an entirely new field of experience?

I recently looked at my life in nine-year periods and tried to recall key liberations during my life span. One that stood out in my mind was the great release of stress I experienced when I moved away from home to go to college. Though I did not realize it at first, this relocation of my physical form liberated me from the daily stress of living in a dysfunctional household. Such joy I was able to feel in this new state of Being!

Experiencing psychological therapy in my 30s was a further liberation of the stories that were trapped in my energetic field and needed release.

My 40s and 50s have seen further liberations from mass consciousness, from social conditioning around role-playing. Oh all the ways our energy is controlled, dampened and held down from true radiant potential! My awareness and intuition have repeatedly been liberated, layer by layer, to reveal to me new ways of seeing and expressing soul.

Choosing Liberations Brings About Change

What are the personal liberations you are experience or that you can choose? Now is a great time to more consciously consider your personal liberations.

As you, layer by layer, process energetic liberations, you feed the collective energy field. In essence, through personal growth and deeper understanding, you help to “tune up” or “rewrite” your energetic programming – the vibration from which you create or manifest your life.

This in turn helps to establish a new frequency in the collective field of co-creation. From that new frequency we are able to newly manifest in ways that were not possible in the old frequency.

Collective Liberations

Now is a great time to consciously be aware of our collective liberations. Some collective liberations are obvious. The “MeToo” wave of sexual harassment and sexual assault revelations, has brought about the liberation of shadow energy that had preyed on, and controlled women and children for centuries. This much needed release is still in motion, is still landing on the shores of collective consciousness. No longer can we not see this.

Trump and other international politicians are part of what feels like a very backward and upside down wave of energy – creating the sensation for many that we are tumbling in an energetic wave of corruption and greed.

Keep in mind though that this too is a liberation. We must collectively see and recognize all the ways in which we have ignored what has been present all along. This is not a comfortable liberating process, but it is indeed a kind of liberation from “behind the scenes” dealings that have gone on as long as politics has existed.

If we are to co-create a new and better world for ALL, then seeing the powerful release of all the no longer works for the many, can be experienced positively. Maybe not the most enjoyable of liberation, yet liberation nonetheless. Keep helping to bring a new manifesting frequency into play.

As we end this year, mindfully, consciously liberate you own energy.

  • Liberate yourself from the glamour and distraction of the surface game of life. Sense into the unseen energy that gives birth to everything in the seen. There is truth there. Manifest your life from that.
  • Liberate yourself from negative self-talk (just a bit anyway). Meditate. Journal. Write new stories of possibility for self and society. Manifest more consciously.
  • Liberate yourself from societal role-playing that no longer fits, that makes you uncomfortable. Your precious energy matters. Focus on authentically presenting who you are. No longer pretend to be something you are not.
  • Liberate yourself from values that you no longer relate to or resonate to. Tune into your new values and live those – manifest your life from that higher energy.
  • Liberate yourself from the polarization game of “us” and “them.” We are ONE field. What group play could you take part in that affirms this? How powerfully could collective light shine?
  • Liberate your creative self energy. New energy, needed energy, easily grounds through any creative process that enables the mind to take a break. Manifest a new world from a fresh frequency.

During this turbulent end to 2017, liberate your optimism. Let go of what hinders this energy from being felt and expressed. May all these liberations of love, hope and goodwill for all bring us into High Resonance Values and Vision for 2018.

Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist, artist and the author Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.

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