The Stench of Toxic Masculinity: From the Women’s March to Weinstein and Beyond A New Clearing Energy Rises

What we are experiencing is an immense wave of new energy blowing through the hearts and mind of humanity. The energetic troops have landed to assist humanity and we can all sing a song of freedom about that.

The Big 2017 Clean Up

The Women’s March first landed this new energy in our collective midst through millions of footsteps dedicated to showing up for something better than our last presidential election delivered. The Women’s March was but a signpost for what was to come. With Weinstein a “No More” energetic tipping point seems to have been reached, with all the spoken and unspoken abuses of children and women (and men) released in a domino fall of putrid toxicity.

First the dirt is seen, then the clean out follows. More is to come as immense waves of liberation continue to wash through the hearts and minds of us ALL like a collective rinse cycle. This collective wave of energy affects everyone. This is no witch hunt – the very name of which is a nod to burning women deemed uncontrollable. This is an energetic wave that brings to our high minds refreshed standards of how we treat one another. In our hearts we know humanity can do better. It takes these kinds of blasts of revelation, of forced SEEING and clearing for true evolution to occur.

This wash out of toxic masculinity points to the very real possibility of humanity no longer being drug through the mud of collective small-minded materialism, sexual abuse, and structural inequalities. There is much more “coming clean” to be done, yet humanity begins to glimpse a cleaner perception of the harm and trauma the old paradigm wrecked on us all.

How a New Energy Force Is Driving Change

We are experiencing the coming-to-Earth of Divine Feminine Energy. While this may indeed feel “alien” to us, this new energy holds the seeds of solving all the divides we now feel.

This is an emotional shift and release first, then a mental shift. This energy is about shifting out of societies dominated by doing, individual control, mass materialism and legislative and institutional power-over others. This new energy inspires creative engagement around birthing potential from inner strength, intuitive vision and heart-based initiative. This energy is strong and clear, inclusive and diversity-loving. This energy is the new guiding force of human nature. It reminds us that we are vehicles for change, for possibility, for sacred trust.

Needless to say, toxic masculinity and the patriarchy’s control systems are out of alignment with this energy. No longer can the dirt be hidden. The continued passing of legislation against women’s rights, human inequality and ethnic diversity in our communities is a sign of fear around this Divine Feminine energy.

Yet, this matter not, for where the patriarchy and those addicted to that dynamic had energetic support, they no longer do. Instinctively they are reacting to it in predictable ways. Namely, by manufacturing stinking propaganda, dirty lies, and bowel-based action that seeks to convince us that what is so old and so tired and dead already is new again. To not consciously want to be free of this collective shadow of B.S. is to stay stuck in the prisoner mindset that fears freedom, that fears taking responsibility for one’s liberation, and that resists stepping into the unknown.

Most of humanity is aware, at some level, that this energy wave is washing through. No matter individual levels of awareness or mass consciousness, collectively we are in receipt of Divine Feminine. Any attempt to hold onto toxic masculinity and patriarchal control dynamics is futile and no longer energetically supported.

The new wave of energy that has landed is not about female verses male. To stay stuck in an old narrative about what sex does or doesn’t have the power misses the point that the patriarchal franchise is being disbanded and we will soon have all new conversations. That time isn’t here yet, as the dirty laundry is still out to dry. But, I can see it from here.

From Old Dirty Gaming to Sacred Authenticity 

This is a huge opportunity and transformation at all levels of human endeavor. At heart we are attracting something entirely new. This is a new play of collective empowerment in which there are no longer winners and losers.

All can step into greater realms of possibility that were formerly beyond imagining.

Repressed potential can surface. For to liberate women’s strength and power, is a liberation for all humans and a liberation of our collective potential.

Men and women are freshly being invited to be who they truly are beyond role-playing. Guided by Divine Feminine energy, that expands acceptance and allowing, I see a time when individual manifestations of brilliance are appreciated, without requiring anyone else needing to be quiet or to dim their own light.

Can you imagine a world in which we each stand to be seen and heard, without fear of judgment and danger? How different this will be from all the stress and worry that goes into trying to meet some random standard for good-enough-ness or in hiding from patriarchal retribution.

The new potential I glimpse is about women stepping into potential beyond old second-class citizen role playing. At the same time men are able to step beyond (conscious and unconsciously) small-minded, paternalistic subversion of women and their contributions. What a waste of precious possibility this has been. Out damn spot, get out!

As individuals hold the frequency of their true power, as groups assert the promise and potential of true collaboration, as collective consciousness expands beyond the small mind of glamour and petty power-plays, a new reality emerges.

This shift is a vital lesson for humanity. If we didn’t already know it, we are reminded that invisible energy manifests the structure we realize in the SEEN. It is always energy first that brings about change. It is energy behind the scenes that holds the power of transformation and evolution. So even as it may appear all is crazy chaotic on the surface, behind surface life is a cohesive force that is good for all.

I truly believe that our collective frequency holds the seeds of possibility we long for. Awareness, intention, vision, and play in the collective HEART field is key to the manifestation of a new and better world.

Keep releasing the old, for the new, for the better, for what is Beyond Mind but Held in the ONE Heart

As the old stuff gets triggered for release, notice how you emotionally react or respond. Do not confuse personal fear with truth. Just because you experience fear, does not mean that what you are reacting to is a bad thing or ineffective or that change shouldn’t be happening. The Women’s March, the Weinstein effect, and other cascading events are pushed into reality by unspoken collective desire and by evolutionary winds of change beyond our comprehension. The triggering event itself (which can be surprising or confusing) creates the opportunity for energetic expression and emotional release. This is a washing through of suppressed and repressed trauma. Given all that humanity has inflicted on itself and the world, opportunities for us to collectively come clean are priceless.

Keep aware what energy you contribute to any manifestation-in-process. Be aware that we each must first do our own processing and integration, even as events unfold in the collective field of reality.

Most of us haven’t a clue what dynamics are really at play in the collective manifestation. We can only guess as far as our current consciousness can take us. So the mystery of life and our part in that remains highly mysterious. Just keep choosing your contribution to collective conscious. Do you intend love or fear?

I am seeing the following qualities and values being liberated due to the current cleansing wave of energy around patriarchal misogyny and toxic masculinity:

  • Amplification of individual authenticity. No holding back or dimming one’s light, one’s wholeness. The radiance of new values are needed. As women (and men) step up to speak out, men need to listen and to come clean about past behavior. This can be liberating for everyone. We can all expand in consciousness, integrity and authenticity.
  • Movement toward true intimacy. As we progress, we create more safe societal space. We collectively may experience a sense of true belonging, of wholeness that was impossible previously under the “don’t say anything” code that kept women afraid to speak out and men silent in their support of women. Now we can be truer allies, we can practice true consent. I highly recommend reading this article by Laurie Penny to learn what true consent is and how we can all expand our consciousness around this topic that is so vital to both authenticity and true intimacy.
  • Appreciation for women’s gifts, leadership and participation. The time for playing small is done. Women are sensing the sea change. This inspires many to devote themselves to being of service and to being a force of possibility. Women will no longer hold back their true fierceness or any other aspect that is authentic and of service.
  • Respectful and effective group collaboration and participation. The new energy is multi-dimensional rather than linear. It is horizontal expansion and vertical growth. This supports group expansion and diversity. This supports multi-layered participation. As individual ego-driven leadership crumbles along with archetypes like the lone hero, the collective power of group consciousness comes to the fore. We long to contribute to something meaningful, to make a difference using our skills and abilities, to interact maturely and with enthusiasm. We are newly learning how to play respectfully.
  • Collective Consciousness harmony. As uncomfortable as some people are feeling during this transitional phase of human development, it becomes easier to believe that we will get the chance to be new, fully-realized humans. This takes courage on everyone’s part. Hopefully, we will not be afraid of this potential. No one gets left behind as long as we are willing to stand in our truth and believe in our indivisibility.

Simply existing is to hold a vibration necessary to the evolution of self, the collective, Earth and beyond. See the disintegration of old systems, old ways of behaving and thinking, for what they are:shadows of the past. The future is getting fresher and brighter by the minute.

Melissa Wadsworth is a visionary mentor, artist, and author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. for more info.

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