Liberating Your Energy Field for New World Creation

What liberations of energy can you name? Are you conscious of these liberations of your light throughout your lifetime? Personal Liberations Feed the Collective Field Energy, like everything in life builds, expands, reaches a tipping point, lands, and then begins … Continue reading

The Stench of Toxic Masculinity: From the Women’s March to Weinstein and Beyond A New Clearing Energy Rises

What we are experiencing is an immense wave of new energy blowing through the hearts and mind of humanity. The energetic troops have landed to assist humanity and we can all sing a song of freedom about that. The Big … Continue reading


New Moon and Equinox Energies Invite Healing and Hands-On Collaboration

This astrology video for the September 2017 New Moon and the September 22, 2017 Autumnal Equinox is a potent blend of individual healing and getting ready to be of service to the Whole. Worth a listen if you’d like to be more aware of how you can be in alignment with pervasive energy and the evolution of your own truth as it emerges more and more.

Collective Manifestation by Melissa Wadsworth provides a vision in which fully-engaged individuals unite their unlimited potential to lead, create, connect, innovate and contribute to the whole of humanity for remarkable transformation and global change.

How We Empower Creation When We Shift Into Response Rather Than Stay Stuck in Reaction

So much is in motion these past months. So much has come up for met to feel, process and release. And, new realizations arise weekly. Wow, just wow. Intense AND interesting times we live in! There is no going backward. … Continue reading


Lana Wachowski Humman Rights Campaign Speech: Expanding the Human Heart Range of Reception

This is one of the most authentic speeches I have ever seen. In which all barriers to individual privacy, to remaining invisible, are removed in order to serve others. As Lana Wachowski says, the reality we imagine into one room that is full of love, acceptance, and support, that is inclusive, protective and full of possibility can then gain us access to other rooms of reality that were previously unimaginable, unreachable.

One person at a time, one family at a time, one peer group at a time, one community at a time, we grow and evolve by holding more space, energetic space and actual physical space, for love to flourish. One acceptance point, one acknowledgment point, one open-armed point at a time, we welcome the MORE that is possible. Through each heart-based perspective we ground greater, more expansive reality on the Earth grid. Then this is the new matrix of reality that becomes One World holding more love than ever thought possible. For it is not the mind that holds true expansive potential. It is the heart.

The Individual Heart Beats Into Collective Reality
The heart is a muscle capable of immense expansion. Only as the heart expands can we evolve out of fear-based reality into love-based reality. Let’s choose to end the game of fear, lack, and hate divisiveness. Let’s fully engage the game of courage, plenty, and love inclusiveness

As we intentionally, consciously breath into heart the fresh oxygen of faith, compassion, our willingness to SEE, our care for nurturing the wide spectrum of diverse humankind-hood, only then will what we envision as mental pictures reflect positively what is truly possible on Earth and Beyond.

Perhaps we can then cease waiting for the other shoe to drop, the monster to come out of the shadows, the other side to turn on us. Finally, perhaps, we will learn to trust ourselves, reveal our own demons, and stop loathing ourselves.

At heart we hold the power of acceptance for all expressions of self, race, sex and gender. At heart we RECEIVE what can BE and what we can collectively BECOME. At heart is where we nurture real possibility, fantastic imaginings of wonder and the truth of our divine nature. At heart all meets as One in a field of electric potential.

Heart-Based Sacrifice Equals Collective Love Bounty
What can each of sacrifice personally so that others can better thrive in this world?

Will we sacrifice comfort (physical, emotional, or mental) in order to expand into LOVE? Will we allow the discomfort of giving up an aspect of privilege so that someone less privileged can become more equal? What sacrifice do we invite so that we can then integrate the larger heart light that we carry? Will we accept how all discomfort is an invitation, a kind of welcome mat to our Higher, more gracious and loving Selves?

Seeing one person like Lana Wachowski expand outside her comfort zone is living the expanded heart truth so wisely expressed by her teacher who said to her: “Some things we do for ourselves; some things we do for others.”

We are here to be honest with ourselves and authentic within the collective. We are here to manifest for self development and to collectively manifest for collective consciousness expansion and to awaken to a new matrix of possibility.

Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist, artistic visionary, and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Intentional Community,

The New Story For Humanity Film by Findhorn Foundation

I recommend this film from the Findhorn Foundation that explores the new story for humanity that we are weaving from our understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings, of all things. A New Story for Humanity Official Trailer 1 … Continue reading

4 Styles of Activism; What is Your Activism Type?

  Collective Manifestation at all levels of being I’ve often talked about how manifestation is both an unseen and seen process. All that ever comes into physical reality first exists as a sacred seed of inspiration, a divine intention,  a blessed opportunity. It … Continue reading

Awakening to Our Co-Creative Responsibility Means Getting Kicked Out of Paradise … Momentarily

This morning, like most mornings, I let the neighbor cat in. I held the cat lovingly, stroking its soft fur as it raised its face to me, exposing neck and chin for the ritual of me gently rubbing my nails … Continue reading