Collective Manifestation Case Study: Infusing Art with Healing Intention

Trophin’s Kidney-Kind® Founders Commission an Inspired Wellness Collection by Artist Melissa Wadsworth

 London, England – April 2017 It’s not unusual for the business and art worlds to intersect. What is unusual is that in a quickly changing and often chaotic world, creativity and innovation are infusing new healing perspectives and approaches into both the business and art worlds as a sign of the cohesive nature of all things.

Gabriele Neumann is a co-founder and director of Trophin Kidney-Kind®, a United Kingdom-based company that develops and markets nutritional food supplements for dialysis patients at In the development phase of her company, she had an intuitive idea to work with an artist friend to develop an art collection that “held” specific healing intentions important to the company and its customers. This would be a wellness art collection

“My partner and I were immediately taken by the art of Melissa Wadsworth, feeling that her work was a fitting reflection of the love, goodness and high vibration we consciously put into every aspect of our Trophin Kidney-Kind® business. Also, we saw how art could affirm the mind-body-energy connection that is particularly relevant to those with chronic kidney disease, “ stated Gabriele, who started Trophin  Kidney-Kind® with life partner and business co-founder Spiros Lappas.

The importance of positive influences 

Gabriele was inspired to commission the intention-infused art after reading Masaru Emoto’s renowned book, The Hidden Messages in Water, that showed through photographic experiments how water crystals are profoundly shaped by positive and negative influences.

Gabriele explained that Emoto and his team researched various aspects of water — water in the human body, water in our daily life, water on Earth. His creative experiments were driven by a deep inquiry: “Does each ‘kind’ of water hold different information, and, if so, can you see it?” To answer this question, he exposed water to different kinds of influences: music, words, feelings, blessings and prayer.

Emoto’s before-and-after photography shows that the water reacts to such “infusions” by rearranging and changing its crystal shape and symmetry. He found the shapes to be either even more aligned, coherent, beautiful and soothing if exposed to loving, soothing and beautiful influences — or distorted and misaligned if exposed to harsh, angry or chaotic vibrations. These ground-breaking results showed the importance of considering what humans are exposed to as positive and negative influence and how we hold that energy in our bodies.

“This information resonated strongly since adult bodies are comprised of about 70% water, and the kidney is one of the most important water organs in our bodies. In our work we knew that the kidneys of dialysis patients experience fluid restrictions. So we focused on how the quality of the water in their bodies becomes even more critical,” Gabriele stated. “As we were creating food items that promote health, including a healthy circulation of blood and water in the body, we began to explore how we might layer all aspects of our business with the intention to communicate whole-system health and healing.”

Health-infused art collection

Gabriele invited Melissa Wadsworth to create a signature artwork collection for Trophin, addressing the quality of water in our bodies and lives. Over the next six months, she created four paintings, infusing her work with “loving intentions and wellness affirmations.” Trophin’s original Wellness Collection includes: “Cellular Rebirth,” “Wholeness,” “Circulation,” and “Elemental Change.” This wellness collection is infused with the following wellness affirmations (good health affirmations) and intentions.

art by melissa wadsworth

Trophin Wellness Collection “Cellular Rebirth”

Cellular Rebirth Affirmation: “Cells hold intelligence. Each cell contains the blueprint for the whole being. When we shine light into every cell and on the body’s ability to heal, we actively take part in this renewal process.”

Intention:Connecting with the element of fire, I intentionally release and surrender all mental, emotional and physical debris from my body and blood in recognition of the sacred process of change.”

The intention and affirmation expressed through the art of Cellular Rebirth allows for a reconnection with the recharging light energy of fire in our bodies and lives.”


art by melissa wadsworth

Trophin Wellness Collection “Wholeness”

Wholeness Affirmation: “All systems work together in perfect harmony for the well being of the whole. Focusing on the seed center of this spiraling energy, I tune into the never ending source of wellness all around me and everyone.”

Intention: Connecting with the element of Earth in my body, I ground divine light in sacred form by loving and appreciating my physical body and wholeness.” This sacred seed of well-being, as expressed in “Wholeness,” creates a connection with the strengthening and nourishing energy of Earth.

melissa wadsworth art

Trophin Wellness Collection “Circulation”

Circulation Affirmation: “Circulation is primary to good health – the circulation of oxygen, blood, nutrients. When active circulation is present in me, the entire human health field is vibrant, uplifted.”

Intention: “Connecting with the element of Air in my body from a high, focused mind, I consciously breathe the intention for perfect flow through all circulation systems.” This intention enhances the connection with the releasing energy of air and the calming, healing qualities of conscious breathing.

Elemental Change Affirmation: “Air, Fire, Water, and Earth represent the powerful elements from which universal balance arises – inside and outside. When these divine forces are in flow, we move through life and health challenges knowing that positive energies are aiding us each and every day.”

art by melissa wadsworth

Trophin Wellness Collection “Elemental Change”

Intention: “Connecting with the element of Water in our body from my high

heart, expressions of love and beauty flow. I trust in the wisdom of my body and the unseen balance that positively impacts artery health and opens energetic doorways of health and abundance”. The intention expressed in “Elemental Change” connects to the clearing and cleansing qualities of the element water in our bodies and lives.

Whole connection and cycles

Gabriele points out that although each painting is specifically connected to an affirmation, each painting also expresses and connects to the other three affirmations. “The four pieces together can be understood as a whole cycle— like the cycle of life—a perfect balance of the four elements within and around us, and there is nothing more beautiful than that,” said Gabriele.

Gabriele and Spiros use the art as inspiration for their business and as marketing visuals that communicate and hold healing intention. Each painting, as well as the whole Trophin art collection, is available as a digital download or postcard. Coasters are designed to transmit positive influences to water.

The idea of these materials is that by consciously looking at the visuals and holding one of the affirmations in your mind or by placing your water glass on the coaster, you invite a positive influence to affect your well-being and health.

Melissa Wadsworth is an Etsy artist at Brilliance Unlimited, and the author of a non-fiction book about the world-changing power of online and face-to-face intentional communities, titled Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. More information at

Trophin Kidney-Kind® biscuits were specifically created with renal dietician specialists to enhance the life of dialysis patients. These high-protein/high-energy biscuits are a healthy, delicious, risk-free snacking option, that aids in better compliance and nutrition for people with Chronic Kidney Disease. For more information go to:

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Melissa Wadsworth is an artist and author focused on bringing healing change to the world through the power of conscious communications and intentional creativity.

Gabriele Neumann ( is the co-founder and director of Trophin Kidney-Kind®, a United Kingdom-based company that develops and markets nutritional food supplements for dialysis patients at


*Emoto Marasu’s water-crystal-photography

je Hidden Messages in Water, by Emoto Marasu


3 Ways Human Interaction Becomes the Mother of All Creation!

Humans ARE creative energy. Humans are creation itself. We are each individually “the Mother of all Creation.” Together, through intentional heart-based interaction, we may engage mindfully in collective manifestation. With imagination, intuition, curiosity and leaps of faith we may birth new perspectives, new consciousness and energetic structures that can hold new possible realities.

If this all sounds very high-minded or ungrounded, know that each day we can activate, access and ground this innate creation potential in simple ways:

First, the more diverse and inclusive our interactive circles of play, the more access we have to expanded mental, emotional, physical possibilities and the more we are able to understand and address global issues directly through the strength of united intention and spirit.

Alternately, when we play in the same pools of energy without expansion or diversity, we get the same kinds of results and creative output, which we already see are not enough to address complex, compounded issues.

The human tendency is to limit our circles of interaction.

It seems simpler, more enjoyable to hang out with people who think like us. There is a benefit to having personal, and group/community-based intentions that connect us to people (who we are aware of, as well as with people unknown to us) who align with the specific goals and perspectives. We can perceive this as being focused or coherent. Yet, living in a digital age, we can now see that often what we create are echo-chambers – minds, voices, opinions that generally agree with us.

These echo-chambers become the “echo” of reality we co-create and “live” day-to-day. We think of these connected energy group reality as our comfort zone. Within these like-minded circles we believe we understand how others think, what motivates them. Yet, by doing this we are limiting field of play and possibility.

Trump is an interesting example of this. While he took his ego show on the road and “spoke” to groups of people unlike him  as a rich, privileged businessman, he actually promotes limiting circles of interaction. Hence he suggests registering and deporting Muslims as “others” we should not interact with and limiting access to America by Mexicans.

And, it appears, he is elevating the prominence of his inner circle – his family – in his role as the  next President rather than truly expanding his interactions to a larger group of people who can bring in different expertise and perspectives. He doesn’t seem to desire “admitting in” any viewpoint but his own. This anti-evolutionary. This is anti-potential.

In our polarized world it’s important to be highly conscious of expanding our engagement with one another, especially people who think differently from us, if we wish to be more inclusive and diverse.

From linear to multi-dimensional

Secondly, we can acknowledge that life is multi-dimensional, rather than linear. We can liberate our programmed minds and play with the idea that conscious creation affects multiple levels of existence that we are both able to see and that are invisible – mental reality, emotional reality, physical reality, cosmic reality, energetic reality.

If you think of your circle of interaction and influence like this diagram, your view of energy is rather flat.


Collective manifestation energy is not linear. It behaves like a torus, bringing in multi-dimensional spheres of connected energy that can come into play to expand possibilities. Networked spheres include connections to many circles of energy in play at the same time. Each “crossroad” is an activation point where new possibilities can emerge.


Our small circles of reality are being shaken up and opened up! That means we either open our hearts to change and expansion — sensing into the new flow of creative energy at our doorstep….or we resist the shake up and experience it as highly disruptive and unwanted. We each choose our experience of this invitation.

Will you to continue playing small? Or will you agree, however reluctantly, to engage the new reality playing field?

All the “sister” women around the world who will be marching on Saturday January 21st, the day after the inauguration, are saying “Yes” to the power of expanding one’s circle of play. They are saying “Yes” to putting faces to the energy dynamics that exist yet are not readily seen in all geographic locations.

These marches are a great example of collective manifestation that is the mother of all creation – of creativity that multiplies. There will have multidimensional energetic effects on sexism, social justice, activism and many other areas that I am not aware of. There will be new movements that arise, new intentions sparked and additional groups will be formed to funnel the forceful energy that these marches create. Intersection is a powerful technology that humans can use to create a better world.

Wow we Integrate “Other” through intersection

Thirdly, we can accept the invitation (our golden opportunities) to expand day-to-day reality. This includes our being able to allow differing opinions, “conflicting” perspectives to co-exist.

In the past, we may have been able to pretend we were part of the “majority” or a “minority.” We were able to segregate ourselves according to how we believed and according to lifestyle. With transparency being the key word for 2017, only the most stubborn can pretend this is still an organizing structure that works. These false separations are breaking down so that new narrative structures can emerge to hold expanded consciousness.

We are global and global diversity exists everywhere. If not in your physical neighborhood, than it exists in your city or on your computer. Most importantly, globally diversity exists in the heart-guided mind. And, as more individual people are guided by the heart-mind (as opposed to shadow side of ego-mind), the more global consciousness is integrated.

2017 and beyond

In 2017 we are being asked to expand the players we co-create consciously with. Now is the time to invite others we think we aren’t aligned with into the reality play we co-create. Intentional collective manifestation is how we will resolve conflicts and become more unified as humans harmoniously co-existing with other beings on planet Earth.

Recently two organizations brought together Alabama Trump voters and California liberals for discussions. This was an experiment in civil conversation that largely succeeded and indicates that people want to communicate with one another. It is perhaps reflective of the human need for connection, the need to be heard. We can connect through respect for others and through sincere attempts to understand others

Stories like this feel like huge intersection points in the evolution game. Post election people took to their corners. There has been lots of social media rants to the effect of: “Those people who voted differently from me are disgusting!”  “Those people don’t understand me!” “Stupid people, they don’t know what’s good for them.” “I don’t understand how anyone can be so backwards in their perspectives!”

In order to move toward inclusive, multidimensional conflict resolution, we can each do personal growth work that includes the following:

  1. Acknowledge that being in the presence of conflicting opinions and hard feelings feels upsetting, awkward, and even other-worldly. You perhaps liked the play you had going and your part in it (maybe that is privilege). As you feel your feelings…
  2. Ask yourself how your judgements apply to yourself. If I judge others as disgusting, what parts of myself do I feel this way about? There is a man on my Facebook feed that often calls out “victim mentality.” This certainly is part of his personal growth work around this issue. Looking at your judgements is a way to remind yourself that all is a reflection of your feelings for self (about how you fit into the world…into the scheme of things) and your own potential. Racists want to limit the liberty of others because (inevitably) they themselves feel limited in some specific way or in total (not being awakened to their own gifts and potential). They feel chained to the reality they experience. We can always…
  3. Get curious about how your little narrative can become a transformative or more expansive. Accept that you are more creative than you ever thought possible.

Transitioning into greater understanding

Transitioning into greater understanding is the way to hold a larger field of reality, to allow differing perspectives in, knowing that it is all creative energy. The more creative energy you let into your field of play, the more you have to work with.

So go ahead invite in the alternate reality you are currently resisting. Remember that the law of attraction tells us that if we focus on resisting what we don’t want, we only get more of that. What we can’t comprehend or have not experienced in small circles of reality, we can reject or be in resistance to. So we have to become expansion itself. We have to be expanded heart, open mind, and a point of physical reception.

As humans who manifest, we must be willing to let others manifest differently and we must observe manifest differences without getting our egos all bent out of shape. It’s all in the Mother of Creation Mix: a little of this, a little of that. As every human has experienced, nothing goes in one direction all the time. Tides ebb and tides flow. The merry-go-round of life goes up and down.

When we wake up our collective curiosity, imagination, and intuition, we are better able to move through fear and confusion and better able to understand the diverse aspects of reality that are able to seed new heart-based intentions. Then we actively and more effectively contribute to an empowered reality coming into form, even as the old reality play falls apart.

Small circles of inclusive, multidimensional, and diverse conscious reality can hold great potential to have amazing ripple effects in the Universe. Know that you are part of that, that you help to uplift humanity. Together we are the Mother of All Creation.

Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist and artist, and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Intentional Community.

Healing Our “Nasty” Rape Culture and Disease of Sexism Together


So many women, and men, are being triggered by the national conversation around sexism, sexual assault and the rape culture that pervades all aspects of society here in the United States and, I suspect, worldwide. What was denied and ignored in “polite” company refuses to hide any longer.

Now is the time to acknowledge what women have endured for centuries. Now is the time for every “nasty” woman who has been shamed, blamed, and disempowered by inappropriate and disrespectful words and harmful actions of men to speak to this issue. Now is the time for men to stand up for women and stand up to a culture that seeks to make them perpetrators of violence and derogatory behavior. Together we can declare:

“Enough! No longer will I stay silent about my own experiences. No longer will I watch this happen and not speak up. No longer will I support spoken and unspoken cultural rules that put men’s comfort level (and the maintenance of their positions of power) above the safety of women, and women’s right to respect. I intend to support other women as we collectively heal our culture of rape and sexism.”

Like the millions of the women coming forward with their stories of rape, molestation, sexual assault, sexism in the workplace, and general atmosphere of degradation and belittlement, I have not one but many stories. The creepy teenage neighbor who tried to get in my pants (I was eight), the public shaming of their female “neighbors” by the “boys” on my college dorm floor, the near rape as a twenty-something (saved by an attentive roommate who burst into the room), the sexualized environment where I waitressed, the surprise groping attack in broad daylight as a friend and I walked, the boss who would touch his groin as he talked to the women in the office. This is just the highlight reel. It goes on and on. It includes the disempowering daily slights that hardly register in our collectively numb consciousness.

Until now many men perhaps didn’t get the depth of this cultural sickness because they have not experienced it first hand or they refused to admit to the prevalence of attacks against girls and women because they feel this is a statement against their manhood, their honor, and their ability to keep their children, wives and sisters safe. Obviously when you have millions of women reporting their experiences, you also have millions of men perpetrating these types offenses – so men feel inherently implicated.

Women have not had the luxury of choosing whether or not they wanted to be part of the collective narrative of violence against women, of sexism in the workplace, of an unsafe society that pretends it cares about women – that it is modern and evolved – while debasing women as a form of entertainment.

I believe that many men don’t fully understand how a woman feels when she is confronted by sexism, groping, molestation, rape. When violence, sexual harassment or sexism happens to you, you are stunned, you are shocked!

All your instincts scream for you to report the person, call the police, yell at them immediately, tell someone. And then all your cultural programming kicks in. This culturally brain-washing around men’s hierarchal power in our culture tells you to down-play it, ignore, don’t discuss it with others, excuse it, blame yourself, laugh it off, and be quiet about it because who is going to believe you. Or else you’ll be blamed, and told it’s your fault, you’ll be dismissed, you’ll be the one to suffer the consequences.

And, if your cultural programming is not enough, then you can be sure that the perpetrator will remind you of what will happen if you open your mouth, say anything, think of reporting them.

This great cultural sexism sickness has created stereotypes that trap women (and men) in roles without souls. It has perpetuated false narratives and rules for being male and female. Our cultural sexism and rape culture has conditioned the public consciousness into accepting violence and debasing behavior against women. Violent actions and words often masquerade as sex, making it acceptable to project the violence onto women as their shame, as something they “asked for” and secretly want.

Silence has made this possible, silence has won…until now.

The clearing of the collective consciousness

A great wind is blowing all the debris of sexual assault and violence through the American consciousness and beyond.

A startling wind of awakening is blowing away all the status quo acceptance of belittling and demeaning words meant to prop up male ego, and to scapegoat women for every lack that men personally feel or collectively fear. Even our elections here is the United States show us all the ways that we so easily blame women and hold them to a different standard.

A clearing wind of healing is showing us where and how the patriarchy used “control over” to maintain power, and to keep women little and quiet.

What is acknowledged can be looked at and healed

Now, that our united cultural sickness has been fully revealed we can each participate in its healing. Blame is not the point. Naming the sickness and its symptoms is the point, so that it can be fully recognized and treated like any disease that affects mind, heart, and body.

As it is with all healing and clearing of dysfunction and limiting beliefs, it starts with the individual. As individuals we can:

Only when we begin with ourselves can we heal the greater dynamic. Now is the time for humans to stop treating themselves and each other like there is something fundamentally wrong and unfixable about humans.

Only by admitting to ourselves and to others how American society has perpetuated the abuse, belittlement and disempowerment of women through every societal structure, can we begin to find appropriate solutions.

Only by allowing open conversations around this topic to in a way that produces individual awareness, civil protections, and true high regard for women in our communities, will women be able to stop holding their collective breath in fear. Now is the time for humans to stop abusing the energy fields, bodies, emotional well-being and spirits of others.

Only when we protect women through our collective intention, will, voice and action will we protect the Earth. As long as fear and hate of the creative power of women is upheld, we will see that reflected in our relationship with Earth.

Only by choosing to actively take part in the healing of this great cultural wound can we each find our own true voice, our true values, and our heart-based connection to others, to all that is.

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community

Unbraiding the Power of Fear and Heirarchy


Unbraiding relationships of power-over

Trump and all like him are a charade of what power really is. They are fear masquerading as leadership. They are patriarchy masquerading as father knows best. They are self-interest masquerading as care for others.

True power is the ability to express and create through one’s wholeness, through an open unlimited heart.

Individually, and as collective humanity, we are being presented with an important, paradigm-shifting choice:

  • Do you still choose to create through the limits of fear?
  • Or do you choose to manifest through the boundless energy of LOVE?

If we sit with this choice, we will access from our deep collective memories the many occurrences of abuse of power, of being shackled, limited, of fear and fear and more fear-based thinking and acting. Is there any variation of the power paradigm that we haven’t played out already? Not likely.

Just thinking about Trump and all those who want power for self and vain-glorious aims feels heavy, dense, stagnant as a drying-up cesspool.

Intentional choice is energetic action

Do you choose to be done with this dynamic? I do. All fears are illusions we collectively agree to. This includes our fear of what might happen if Trump, and the many like him around the globe, come into power. Let’s try to step away from this programmed fear.

Perhaps the sticking point here is this — that we still believe in the power of these “high” elected (or otherwise taken) offices to set the tone for our lives. Our minds cannot separate our own power from the power of those we live “under.” It’s the history of hierarchy that we continue to struggle with and against. So we must release this as well. We must unbraid the energies of fear of power and hierarchy before we can step into our true individual and collective power.

Then we can make substantial leaps surmounting this belief and putting power back into the hands of all humans to create a better world.

Then we each may sense into what this means and how it might be expressed in physical reality through all of us. For as long as we believe our own ability to co-create is made or broken by others we limit ourselves. If we stopped giving them our power, if we make them besides the point through local projects and initiatives, then how might politics be energetically restructured? How might a power dynamic look as a reflection of personal well-being and peace?

We must unbraid the energies of hierarchy and fear of wholeness. For as long as we disbelieve our individual and collective wholeness we will experience ourselves as broken in some fundamental way. As fundamentally unable. Period. This has become our collective comfort zone. “I am not worthy” our collective mantra.

This is what makes us susceptible to control by others. Demagogues. Bankers. Big Pharma. Marketers. Our disbelief in our wholeness and belief that someone else has the fix (hierarchal perspective) limits the expansion of our own abilities. As long as we think the magic pill is outside of us we will look to the leader that can better guide us, the company that can better boss us, the doctor that can better heal us, the scientist that can better prove what is known.

Will you join me and choose to be done with this illusionary path to “happily ever after.” The path of “please, please validate” my existence. The path of power-abdication. The trust is broken around agreements to hand power off to a few.

And what is emerging from the broken trust is belief in ourselves. Through the cracks of this broken hierarchy dynamic, the light is shining on our real power source which is from-the-heart-love relationships and connections. The light is shining on our choice to take full responsibility for what we co-create together.

Let’s stop dimming our power through the distraction of old power plays. The status quo does not want us to tune into the new heart-based power dynamic. Let’s keep unbraiding the energies of power-over as by inviting in new expressions of heart power. Let’s connect to true power sources of love.

Relation.Ships are the our true power vehicles

It is through real relations with one another that we can connect the dots of our individual greatness and expand what we have to give and to express. No more asking for validation from outside ourselves. We must first believe that we each are here on a mission to break the spell of “power over” us so that we can express the immense power from within us.

Again, as long as we give our power to others our hearts can be broken by people, by organizations, by the political process. So now is the time to practice being in full empathetic heart. This is the strongest heart of all. Now is the time to appreciate the power of heart we can bring to our own lives, to service of something greater than ourselves, to the world as a healing vibration of love.

All that is accomplished by humans is done through the vehicle of our relationships. So let’s first be in aligned relationship to Self and our soul mission, and then let’s be in alignment to those we are here to co-create with from a renewed sense of heart power.

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Intentional Community



The Most Important Manifestation Tip for the New Year 2016

The old childhood game the Hokey Pokey had one thing right – in any game, including the game of life, it’s important to take one step at a time, and to know what each of your feet and hands are doing.

We have been brainwashed, educated and socialized to only care about one side of the manifestation dynamic (represented by our right side). Hence, we pay way too much attention to DOing (Delivery of Outcomes), and we spend too much time in action, often mindlessly.

In the new year of 2016 we can change that and through collective patience and collective vision step into the BEing (Building Energy) part of manifestation. Being is the energy that builds up behind inspired intentions and vision. Being is the sacred intention to go beyond the mental mind and hang out in the realm of true possibility, where any problem can be solved.

We need to remember that when we ignore one entire half of the creation process we abdicate our true power and vision to the subconscious, to societal programming, to unconscious habits of doing. That’s not the change energy we need to heal the problems and issues facing us at this pivotal time in human history.


divine manifestation visual

By waking up to your super powers inherent in the unseen portion of manifestation (represented by your left side), you understand how to fully come into your leadership abilities and co-creation gifts, talents, interests, and passions. Only by acknowledging the strengths of intuition, playing with imaginative possibilities, holding space for new potentials to rise, paying attention to the collective frequency we are building, and communicating the highest visions, can we then make the difference our hearts long for.

This makes the potential for collaboration and collective manifestation a truly whole process in which all strengths are recognized and used. Those who play in the intuitive field of understanding are just as valued as those who design physical systems and products. In fact the intuitive understanding can then expand system and product design possibilities.

It is just as important to provide space for “reception” as it is to provide space for “crafting,” and so forth. When we focus our energetic intentions through the heart then all our DOing becomes coordinated, graceful – a perfect reflection of our BEing.

Leaders who hold vision from expanded being tend to bring inclusion and compassion to their doing.

Co-creators and collaborators who know how to bring collective manifestation to the tipping point of seen reality, know how to play in unseen energy field before ever taking pen to paper, or pretending to speak to what is truly possible.

We step into limits the second we cross the threshold from the unseen into the seen. When we rush into action we constrain, contain, and restrict what is possible. So its very important to befriend and hang out in the expanded freedom of the unseen (divine feminine energy) and to gather the wisdom and inspiration in that wild, untamed space before take steps that bring vision into form. A little more manifesting patience is the key to this.

In 2016 may you experience the joys and magic of BEing and DOing. Live your new brilliance in harmony with your heart and the One Heart of all of Humanity and all the hearts of Earth’s Living Beings.

Melissa Wadsworth is a change agent and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. You can read chapter one now.


Why Collective Manifestation is Integrating Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies

collective manifestation how to manifest anything

Our human potential lies in our ability to step into the flow of the entire manifestation process.  – Melissa Wadsworth

We have arrived at a pivotal point in human evolution – the point at which we are being invited to consciously integrate feminine divine and masculine divine energies for more empowered manifestation.

For the last 2000 years, we have been socialized in only half of the manifestation process: the mental, linear, masculine model of manifestation. We have learned how to manifest in the SEEN. How to bring about visible outcomes that adhere to societal values.

Now we can more consciously learn the how to work with the soulful, multi-dimensional, unified divine feminine and divine masculine model of collective manifestation.This model can help us to uplift all of humanity, all of its male and female family members.

For many this will mean playing in the UNSEEN realm of divine feminine. This is where our super powers of Source Reception, Intention, Personal Growth, Intuitive Wisdom, and Visioning live. The divine feminine energies are the balance to our divine masculine super powers of Discovery, Choice, Planning, Focus, and Anchoring Action.

We are only half what we can be, when we only pay attention to half of the Collective Manifestation process. For all of us who have gotten very attached to our comfort zone of “doing something” we now need to stretch out of this comfort zone and start playing with “being” in our full capabilities.

As the visual above shows, we can continue to manifest from our mental mind for the good of self, or we can learn to more fully manifest from our whole spirit, heart, mind and body for the good of all beings.

Think of the complete manifestation process as a magnificent wave of potential rising and then coming to shore. First, through a process of receiving Source seeds and playing with various possibilities we build energy to a tipping point. Then we bring this heart-held energy into the physical realm in a very directed manner that provides specific outcomes. In the best scenarios these outcomes are shared with many others.

We are being invited to play with this process without fear. It is very human to feel things such as “I’m not intuitive,” and “I can’t meditate.” Such fears keep us from liberating our true divine feminine potential. Likewise, it is very human to think, “I’m afraid to choose,” and “What if I make a mistake!” These fears keep us paralyzed from liberating our true divine masculine potential. By working with communities of others we can share these roles of building and focusing energy for the greatest benefit to All.

collective manifestation process of uniting divine feminine and divine masculine

We have the ability to individually and collectively be in our wholeness

This has nothing to do really with whether you are a male or a female. In your wholeness you have access to both divine feminine and divine masculine brilliance. The more you can stop judging yourself and others in regards to your strengths and weaknesses, and just play with possibility, the more creativity and innovation we will collectively birth as an expression of our expanding hearts, our love and compassion for our Earth and all beings that are alive in this same moment.

Let Soul Lead; Let Ego Go

An important part of integrating divine feminine and divine masculine aspects into your Self and into your collective manifestations in letting the ego mind go. We need to clearly communicate that Soul is now leading.

Traditional society has always wanted us to believe that our mental and our spiritual selves were separate. This allowed the powers in charge to control us more easily. The church could control our spiritual lives, politicians and educators (and social-structure others) could control our commerce-related role playing. This was a system designed to fragment rather than focus both our individual brilliance and our collective power.

Chalk this up to a learning path that humans were meant to take. Now we can recognize the “pretenders to the crown” (the ego-mind pretenders of society and within ourselves). Now we can recognize our direct connection to God/Source through which all manifestation easily flows. When we connect knowingly to Source, we can become brilliantly creative and compassionate conduits for Grace that we bring into incredible forms beyond imagining.

The divine feminine part of the collective manifestation process is key to us humans getting out of our own ego-mind way and letting Soul lead us into a world of miracles and hearts connected like never before.

We are at that grand tipping point already. All it takes is one human at a time, groups of humans in collaboration, to say “YES!” to fully stepping into and expressing the full range of manifestation — from the reception of inspiration and ideas we celebrate to the final form we bring forth in great gratitude.

We are learning this very moment how to share leadership throughout the collective manifestation process. No longer is one person meant to lead throughout. Those of you who are more comfortable with intuition can lead at that part of the process, while those who love taking action can lead at the implementation point. Those who love creative play can take the lead in discovery processes while those who love thinking might lead in planning.

The collective manifestation waves above could also be layered with Astrology. Fire signs are typically great initiators, while Water signs are comfortable with intuition and the working with the unknown. Air signs are wonderful thinkers, while Earth signs are impelled to bring thought into action. Collective Manifestation, no matter what organizing lens you view it from, is a grand dance. And, we are each can bring more expanded heart and soul to the Collective Manifestation process.

The main point to remember is that it’s all play. We are fragmented no longer. We are whole human expressions of divinity. Let’s consciously lean into integrated collective manifestation for the most expansive potential and the most generous and glorious outcomes.

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community, and the founder of New Village 22, a community of intention receivers and potential holders. Read the first chapter of her book at

Upgraded Manifestation Delivery System: An 11:11 Blueprint for Integrating Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in Order to Heal Self and the World

Upgraded Manifestation Delivery System: An 11:11 Blueprint for Integrating Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in Order to Heal Self and the World by Melissa Wadsworth

There are energetic forces of love that are collaborating to bring about balanced manifestation in collective reality. The upgraded Manifestation Delivery System blueprints that we each are integrating are full-spectrum divine feminine and divine masculine energies. Do not confuse these with socialized version of femininity and masculinity. The expression of human love potential has expanded and nothing can or will remain the same.

As humans, we have just leveled up and these integrated energies enable each person to experience their wholeness in new empowered ways. We are no longer constrained by gender roles. Rather we can expand into the fuller spectrum of divine feminine and divine masculine creative energy that humanity now has available to it.

In doing so, we become more aware of how to take the invisible superpower of intention (conscious or unconscious) and bring it to visible fruition as mental, emotional or physical shifts and outcomes, and how to do this more consciously within groups, teams and communities. Human abilities as expressions of our liberated spiritual nature are going through a huge growth spurt. The more we realize this, the more we can consciously unleash these integrated energies as our best human selves.

Knowing how to direct energy allows each of us to mindfully step into the flow of creative energy potential rather than fighting the ascending or descending energy in an ego-directed way. Manifestation becomes more and more powerfully conscious as we keep asking ourselves, our groups/tribes, and our villages/communities: “How do we best manifest from our individual consciousness, desire and focus all the while expanding our access to sacred blueprints that are present as energy?”

Ascending and descending energy waves

At a basic level, we can think of the primary divine feminine and divine masculine energy like a unified wave. There is the ascending energy of pure potential that is seeded (feminine) and builds up and up. There is a tipping point in the manifestation process and we experience the descending energy of fruition (masculine) that has become focused through choice. We can play with this ascending and dynamic as we direct our human energy toward work, play, relationships, health, and service. We can remind ourselves that these qualities of ascending and descending love energy are within us, and are a part of the creation cycle of all that we manifest!

ascend descend image

As we discern the distinct qualities of divine feminine and masculine energies we are able to recognize when they are at play within larger systems we interact with (galaxy, constellations, planet, city, community, business, person, etc.). This allows each of us and our teams, groups, and tribes to better position ourselves to take advantage of building energy behind our desires, goals and projects and dispersing energy in a focused way to bring final form to our original intentions.

Where we are now

At this moment in human history we are experiencing the outcome of the last 2000 years of patriarchal dominance over natural systems, that has led to a systemic imbalance on planet Earth.

So modern society is now trying more and more to heal this imbalance, one individual and one village at a time. Not by dominating the system into complicity, but rather by expanding individual collaboration with natural forces. This is how we expand our own sense of Self and our sense of belonging. It’s what author Joanna Macy calls the “eco-self” rather than the “ego-self” in her book World as Lover, World as Self.

We are leaning how to become or BE the energy system rather than living apart from it, as we’ve been doing. We are lessening the sense of duality, of the “me in here” using my creative energy, and the greater creation system “out there” acting independent of me. We are realizing our oneness with our co-humans, with nature and all beings, and from that fresh perspective, perhaps for the first time, experiencing our inner God that considers all as sacred.

This is how we expand our sense of our greater Self to encompass All That Is while maintaining a strong identity that knows how to be of service to the system that we are. It’s how to be in unison while being singular.

Expanding awareness and our responsibility to live into our potential

You and I are not healing a system that others broke. There is no beginning nor end to the unified system we belong to, so how can we point fingers? In our maturity and higher awareness we can choose to take responsibility for healing ourselves, knowing that’s how we heal the system. I do not do what is right for your benefit or because it is good for you. I discern to know what is good for the unified field of Self/All.

The American forefathers famously used the word “indivisible” and it’s a word that can feel old-fashioned to our modern “independent” ears. Yet, it is a strong and definitive word that I am more and more attracted to. This conversation about integrating our divine feminine and divine masculine aspects is an ideal opportunity to live and love our indivisibility.

Chart: Upgraded Manifestation Delivery System Blueprint

How to Manifest anything

Upgraded Manifestation Deliver System from Collective

Pledge alliance to the unity of YOU for which your manifestation stands (represents)

You are a system of wholeness. Your divine feminine energies plant intention, and then hold space for potential to be germinated, nurtured and blossomed. The divine feminine initiates, holds intention, and sets the stage for creation energetically. It doesn’t need to define the specifics of the manifested outcome. Then, it is the choice and action discernment of the divine masculine energy that provides the focus that shapes final outcome.

The magic of this manifestation system is the bridging energy between sacred feminine and sacred masculine aspects. It is here that sacred grace, opportunity and creativity, infuses the manifestation process. That’s why it’s not all up to us. We have our responsibility for what we hold space for, for what we ground into reality, for what we choose to be a vehicle for (love or fear?). Yet, it is wise to remember we are only seeing a small part of the greater picture. At all times throughout the manifestation process, in our humbleness we can invite in “beyond-what-we-can-imagine” grace, guidance, and greatness.

When you truly realize your wholeness and that there is no division between Self and Others, between Self and the Natural World, between Self and Source, then you begin to have more respect and care for your Self. Your responsibility to Self becomes more vital as you experience from the heart your connection to the unified field of love and how aspects of you are always being mirrored in other aspects of the system from which you are indivisible.

Macro and micro manifesting reflections

Picture9An easy reference for this is to imagine looking at Earth (the micro) from space (the macro). You don’t see the people, you only see the planetary system called Earth. As you get closer to Earth you eventually see the people (the micro) who are a reflection of the Earth system (the macro). If you look closer you can choose to see the cells (the micro) of the individuals (the macro), and so forth.

There is always a wider perspective of the macro and a more intimate focus on the micro that can be taken. Yet, all is one system of self-creating love energy that ascends and descends. When all aspects of any smaller entity (person, company, location) are considered in terms of whether they reflect the wellness or the dis-ease of the larger system, then distinctions of person, tree, bee, ocean, and so forth, are important only in the sense that these distinctions enable us to pinpoint a starting point for healing. You merely want these aspects healed so that the whole system can flourish.

If you incarnated during this time, part of your purpose was to understand earthly balance and to experience how we can as individuals and collectives heal the macro/micro system that we are. We’re here to upgrade our mastery of manifestation that benefits higher Self and All Others.

Petty consumerism or worrying about whether Starbucks puts a snowflake on it’s red coffee cups are mere distraction from more pressing issues we could be focusing on. You are being distracted from your true superpowers, which arise from an integrated Self who is passionate about all the ways (your persona potential) that you can express your All-That- Is-ness.

That’s why understanding the qualities of divine feminine and divine masculine is vital. We cannot heal a system without understanding our holistic selves first. Only then are we playing with a full deck, so to speak. God, Source … the All That Is system, always provides the full deck. Only our ego-minds limit the cards we choose to play with.

As long as we collectively see ourselves apart from the system, we will continue to limit our creativity and solution-generating superpowers. We will continue to take without sufficiently giving back in a balanced manner.

Evolution is about co-healing or creative release … there is no “fix”

Any leader who tells us they can “fix” a broken system is to be feared. When you hear the word “fix” understand the meaning as “the fix is in.” Fix is not a word of integration or collaboration or of oneness. It is a word of dominance and control. It indicates polarity thinking, and the sense of being apart from. Nothing gets fixed from the outside. People like Stalin and Hitler showed us what it looks like to let a leader do the fixing. That is a very base-level doing.

True healing is an inside job. We know this already. We expand our hearts to heal. With gentleness and compassion, we self-appreciate to heal. We become the mirror that enables others to see their own greatness. We spark global evolution through individual growth. Remember, if humans die out, the system continues to operate, to exist, it’s just different.

Examples of the divine in balance

So much that is happening around the global, especially the alignment of science and mysticism, which is a perfect example of the integration of masculine and feminine energies.

People like former president Jimmie Carter, and South African leader Nelson Mandela seem a reflection of the healed masculine, of a balanced human presence. They exhibit divine feminine qualities of receptivity, and a willingness to be conciliatory in their embrace of healing whole structures (community, dysfunctional governments) for the benefit of the many. Nobel peace prize winner Malala Yousifazi, and first lady Michelle Obama are reflections of the balanced feminine presence, that can both nurture others behind-the-seen, as well as courageously lead and be seen in service to the system of Oneness that we are.

This is how the human manifestation delivery system can be in balance, in appreciation for diversity, and more peaceful rather than at war within itself.

This journey of human evolution that we are participating in is taking us to higher and higher levels of being and doing. This will empower healing and abundance energy to expand on the planet, so that truly supportive structures and societies can be built and come together in a unified field of love and light.

We are currently creating new expressions of goodness and wellness that encompasses our awareness that we are the system we heal and love. This is the higher expression of human evolution that makes new miracles possible.

As new-world whole-system creators, we need increased diversity in our relationships, projects, intentional villages and communities. We need the creative power that comes from a wide spectrum of divine feminine and masculine aspects that are packaged in diverse human form.

Lean Into Love

As we more and more live our whole-system-ness, we become unified beacons of love. So keep leaning into the love. Experience your most complete and full Self within a unified system. Hold loving intentions in all that you do, and keep sharing the love that you are. That’s the ultimate thrill of life, the euphoria of playing this manifesting game called life on planet Earth.

Melissa Wadsworth is a creative co-leadership coach and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.


Why Your Life Matters to All of Humanity

Wheart spirale tend to experience existence, our daily being-ness, as separate from others and the greater manifested world. From this sense of being separate, and apart from, it is very easy to get overwhelmed and to doubt one’s influence on the destiny of the human race and on the healing of the planet.”What can little me possibly do that matters?” the small mind wails.

Yet, this theme of separation is an out-dated human narrative. It’s an old story. The truth is that we are One Divine Heart; we beat as One. This connectivity assures our participation, contribution and influence no matter what!

We are one tribe of humans. We interact in one creative field of energetic possibility. We are always co-creating and sending out pulses of energy that reverberate as invisible and visible frequency in the One-Heart that we have infinite membership to.

This unity means we are either nurturing and expanding the manifesting capabilities of the One Heart through vision and intention that includes others, or we are interjecting non-harmonious energy that debilitates the One Heart expression of human consciousness. This is why when you hurt or harm another you hurt and harm yourself — your own potential for greater love, courage, and magnificence. This is why all that you think/feel/do matters to all of humanity. Your indivisible union with the One Heart makes it impossible for you NOT to matter. You feed the field of creation no matter what! This is where the new human narrative begins.

Understanding the Myth of Separation
Separation is an illusion. It was a myth spawned to set the stage for relationship growth and human dramas during the age of the patriarchy. Dramatic separation themes were related to:

  • feeling apart from others, separate and alone, isolated (and finding one’s way back to a sense of belonging)
  • acceptance and trying to fit in, popularity and reputation (shame, vulnerability, and discovering one’s inherent value)
  • establishing a “useful” role in family/regional tribe (and breaking out of these narrow boxes)
  • power, force, and domination (being downtrodden, enslaved, and standing up for the underdog, overcoming tyranny)
  • competition (waking up to the game that life is)
  • personal/group weakness and perceived limitations (and becoming more humble, compassionate and empowered)
  • leadership (finding mentors, looking up to heroes, and realizing that each individual leads their own life experience)
  • hierarchical systems, social structures and religious organization (and co-creation and innovation outside established structures)
  • victim/perpetrator paradigm (from dis-empowered personal choice to understanding one’s responsibility for all experience)

Viewed as a educational paradigm, the myth of separation was an effective learning “container” for the development of the human race. Now this learning container is too small. It cannot hold the fuller potential that is emerging through us.

In the old myth, life dynamics were based on a foundation of High Drama – the more dramatic the better in order to get the most attention and reaction. Reality television is a great example of the dying of this dynamic. Producers and participants manipulate and force plot antics and interaction, they try to create drama from nothing. Drama today is mere distraction. Politicians likewise try to whip up the crowds through old fear mongering, yet there is the sense that the issues are but paper tigers.

Producer and cultural hacker Maya Zuckerman describes this old narrative as the “hero myth.” In a recent Huffington Post article titled “Breaking Free of The Hero Myth,” she stated, “The hero’s journey served as a tool for the adolescent human to learn his or her role in the community and how to mature through use of metaphors such as quests, gods, monsters and magic….[now] We are looking far beyond the individual hero, who in reality so often fails us, and now we cheer on the collective.”

In the new story humanity that is writing together, rather than a chosen few having superhuman strength, the many are waking up to their true power.

heart center Embracing a New Narrative of Human Potential
This empowered narrative is necessary for the next stage of human and planetary co-creation and evolution. This empowered narrative can harmonize and birth the new energetic possibilities that come from each of us integrating more light. As I wrote in Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community, “It is through our hearts that we will expand human potential.”

The Human Tribe Coming Into Alignment
Albert Einstein stated in a 1948 film called Atomic Physics: “It followed from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing.”

Everything is energy (invisible and visible forms). We tend to respond and react to manifested energy (mass represented by things and circumstances) which is already “the past.” As part of the new narrative we empower our creative manifestation abilities by learning to dance with energy/light which is “the beginning.” By doing this we take clearer responsibility for the energy that we align with (fear or love, for instance) to produce things and outcomes that affect the heart of ALL beings.

As we co-create the new human narrative, become more aware that the energy from all words we speak produce manifested outcomes that are then part of the new BIG STORY. Conversation feeds story, the bedtimes stories we tell our children build the narrative, the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, and how we project our best selves onto the world stage matters to the One Heart story in construction.

As we human integrate the polarity of light and dark, good and bad, right and wrong, the new narrative emerges ever more. When we fully integrate all aspects of possibility we stand up and speak out with confidence in the One heart center starring in the new human story.

Homo devaThe Energy of Conscious Story

Like the four heart chambers pumping in rhythm, you pulse out and process different types of energy: Being Energy, Wave Energy, Creative Bridging Energy, and Grounding Energy, for instance. Emotions flow through the personal heart, sparked by thoughts, beliefs, perspectives and personal stories and immediately are transmitted into the the One Heart. The collective consciousness of Humanity, of all beings, is impacted. Whether acknowledged or not, you are always co-creating as a human team.

Author Mary Belknap writes about the evolution of the human species in Home Deva: Evolution’s Next Step.

“What is important to understand is that you can be of immense help right now, today, by recognizing that you are part of this blossoming of a new species. The hopefulness, trust, and networking that you express on a daily basis will have many positive effects far beyond your localized time and space. The nature of these enhanced feedback loops guarantees that each of us can be of direct help to our fellow humans and, to some degree, the whole species by serving as amplifiers of coherent life-energy.”

Belknap points out all the ways that scientists and mystics are coming together. She sees our evolution as a species being driven by “creatives, innovators, and lifeseeds” who identify themselves as an integrated system, and accept their part in the healing process of Earth. Their mind and feelings, and soul and personality are becoming more integrated. They recognize the oneness of spirit and matter. She states, “Amplification of positive coherence is highly contagious.”

In the new human narrative we are co-creating, process and interaction is grounded by High Love and High Discernment rather than by high drama. The liberated, creative and joyful heart is grounded in do-able steps, in peaceful being-in-the-moment flexibility and spontaneity, and most especially in humility and humor. A One Heart narrative for humanity easily integrates growth cycles of highs and lows, as well as vertical and horizontal expansion without all the old drama. We are learning discernment. We are embracing the power of our choices. There is no disconnection between mind and heart. They pulse in sync.

Earth and Property Energy Healer Gabriele Neumann of Eartheart Living points out:

  • You are Divine Essence, it is only your belief, which makes you think you are different – separate from, not connected to, pure divine essence and light.
  • The running mental programs are only facets and metamorphosis of one and the same program. They are sub-programs of one program, which is our belief that we have fallen out of Divine Being into separation.
  • There is no treasure to attain, no level between you and Divine Essence.
  • As soon as you know in your heart, in your being, that there is no level, no step, the subprograms just fall away. And it is not important what these subprograms are as they repeat themselves (like a virus or a cancer cell) and appear in one way or the other as an expression of the belief that we have fallen from our status as a divine being.”

7 Steps to Liberating The One Human Heart

We can each be more conscious about the One Heart field that is comprised of invisible energy and visible matter. We can make significant contributions and it can be simple rather than overwrought with anxiety. We can play with the possibilities as the living collective narrative that we already are. To nurture the One Heart first recognize that you are a light being pulsing frequency. What you manifest aligns to that frequency.

To manifest that which is hopeful, joyful, and liberated for Self and others engage these seven steps:

  1. Free Up Your Sense of Humor. I just realized this week that as a child I inadvertently trained myself to put up walls against my good humor. I recalled how as a kid I would refuse to laugh or smile when one of my parents did something to piss me off, and then wanted me to make them feel better by laughing. Perceiving myself as having no power but my “will power,” I would refuse to smile. All this did was create a pattern in which I was easily disconnected from my ability to not take things too seriously. In refusing to give of my humor, I gave away my lightness of being. Fortunately, realizing this, I instantly got a infusion of joy. How are you stingy with your sense of humor. Are you afraid to seem silly? Are you too serious? Set the intention to find the great humor in being human. Laugh more. We all need the levity and it will do the One Heart field good.
  2. Relax. We unconsciously hold much tension in our mind and bodies. Relax into the moments that make up the story of your life, and the story of humanity’s grace. Release the old story of monsters under the bed. We are safe, we are love and light. Allow your own unfolding with more ease.
  3. Be One with Plenty. The One Heart is the horn of plenty! From this collaborative and highly creative energetic field all is possible. Plenty and abundance is not outside you. Create your personal/collective narrative from a belief in having everything you need at all times.
  4. Follow Your Intuition. Intuition is your soul speaking to you. Let it help you develop your flexibility and spontaneity by responding to it’s inspiration and nudges. Be joyful in your connection to greater depths of knowing and release the mental “shoulds” that imprison your brilliance.
  5. Be authentic. Your voice, your presence matters always. Speak the truth to self and to others in order to remove the layer of deception that hampers clarity of vision, and clarity of will. Be willing to show up, to be vulnerable, as you move beyond your comfort zone.
  6. Feel grateful. The One Heart is never happier than when it is feeling gratitude. From gratitude peace of mind blossoms. From a perspective of gratitude nothing is missing. All is in perfect order and there is no need to feel overwhelm.
  7. Love more. Love more of your life, more of your day, more people, more animals, more of nature. Love the possibilities that you represent. It matters more than you can imagine.

Melissa Wadsworth is a life coach and author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.  She and Mary Belknap will be leading a workshop at East West Bookshop in Seattle on November 14, 2015 at 7pm. For more information go to


A World Without Money Video

Michael Tellinger of the South Africa-based Ubuntu Liberation Movement explains the basic premise for his extraordinary vision for a world that works effectively and creates abundance for all — a world without money.


As Tellinger says, “Out of unity comes infinite diversity and abundance.”

The moneyless society he envisions and is taking steps to create is based on “contributionism.” People freely contribute a few hours a week of their talent and skills to help produce what the community needs. His framework is based on sacred geometry and the idea that small towns and communities will lead the way to producing three times what they need, so that they can help other towns and communities meet their needs.

For more information about how the transition to a moneyless society that creates true human prosperity, go to

This is the kind of Collective Manifestation that is possible. I’m always inspired by the bold vision I see around me. People are starting liberation movements undaunted by the task ahead. People like Michael Tellinger are driven by passion and their refusal to let a dysfunctional status quo run by greed and fear imprison the human spirit.

Another interesting article on the end of capitalism:

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.

How Collective Manifestation Seeds the Future

collective manifestation guided meditationsOur social, political, and economic structures as we knew them are dying. We can see this as surely as we can see the impact that these fading structures have had on our environment and on our own inner landscape. Rather that uplifting the world’s citizens, the old programs, the old ways of being have left humankind depressed and distracted. We are at that pivotal transition from death to new life. And this is something to celebrate!

We celebrate because this death means that we are growing up as a species. Humanity is now mature enough to be in touch with its own inner authority, and to realize that now is the opportunity we have longed for. Now we seed the future through collective vision and through collective heart.

This collective vision and heart is manifesting through online groups, event and project-based teams, and physical communities. As the old system dies, new ways of being, believing and acting have sprung up alongside it. This is humanity finding its connected and aligned heart. And, from that connected heart, new hope is emerging.

We have been socialized to focus on “final” material form — the ultimate goal or dream — and yet we fear death, which takes us to the end of one life phase, before we can begin anew. Death is a transition; it is a portal. Rather than hanging on to what is dying, we can embrace the inspirational seeds newly rising in our hearts and minds. As part of our collective maturing we need to understand the value in all life phases and all phases of manifestation.

In my new book, Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community, I write the following about what is happening to inspire the formation of new communities around the world: “Central to creating a heart-based community is the awareness at each step that what you are really doing is giving physical form to love and light. The heart is the tuning fork that helps you to tune love into each step. The heart is the connection point where vision meets the urge to act. The heart is also your integration point for all that you release outward and for all that you bring inward.”

Collective caring and creativity are super-charging groups that are both addressing serious issues and throwing out the old rules and limits. So we have a choice: we can be very afraid that the old structures are dying or we can realize that this collective societal death is preparing the ground for the birth of new global potential and possibilities. Together there is much that can be realized:

  • From collective willingness to let go of the old — we breathe life into humanity’s maturing potential.
  • From the spark of conscious intention — we shift from an experience of “I” to “We.”
  • From release of the old and surrender to the unknown — we clear the ground for healing, balancing and new multidimensional experience.
  • From the pure joy of creativity — we offer the vehicles of our individual gifts/strengths to the exploration of collective possibility.
  • From enthusiastic learning at all stages of the life/death process — we connect the dots of understanding and bring substance to our vision.
  • From conscious being — we connect to and nurture a multitude of opportunities that arise organically from a balance of mental and intuitive heart brilliance.
  • From the desire for fearless authenticity — we produce transparency of expression and build trust.
  • From the space of expanded vision — we transform ourselves and the world.

Collective manifestation is about making our individual dreams shared dreams. What do you truly long for? How do you want to belong? Collective manifestation is about opening our hearts so that what I want for myself, I want for all. We are not lessened by coming together to manifest solutions, visions and a new future; we are collectively lifted up. We connect with one another to create an energetic force more powerful than anything we can do alone. Only then do we live as the global community we truly are.

Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist, believer in human greatness, and author of Collective Manifestation.